WTP - Geronimo for Missouri

Day 2,196, 14:24 Published in USA Russia by Geronimo100

Hi there, citizens of eUSA, fellow eAmericans and eMissourians.

Congress elections are here. On 25th we'll head to the polls.

America I ask you to vote for the People, vote We The People

This is my first attempt to seek place in eUS Congress and if I get elected I'll do what every newb does. That is R.A.L. Read, Ask, Learn. And I'll always uphold our motto For the People, By the People, We The People!

I'm glad that this opportunity was made possible by fellow WTPers, and their support for me and other candidates, on WTP congressional primaries.
I'm long time WTP worker and member of WTP cabinet under the several party presidents.

Also hereby I pledge to be regular and attend all the voting in game and all the Congress procedures on forums.

Our community is at the crossroads, choices and decisions to be made are very important. They will define how this game will look and feel for us in months to come. I'm not the new player in here but I believe that I can still provide a "pair of fresh eyes".

Thank you America, thank you Missouri and see you at the polls.


Mighty Mo salutes you