Will the right inevitably rise again?

Day 934, 05:18 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter
[Disclaimer: Not a Troll Article]

Well, it seems that the right are gearing into action with the arrival of Dishmcds, tipped to be the next PP and influential journalist. In his latest article about laying the groundwork for a new party, he talks about the different cycles that parties go through and the inevitability that once again the UKRP will take the top spot. The fact is, will that ever be achieved?

When I first joined the game way back in November ’08, the UKRP was the top dog. They pretty much won the presidency every single month and none of the other parties had enough power to challenge it. At this point, the PCP was still in second and there was no partnership between the left parties. Month after month of the same people, recycled again and again, including Dishmcds. I joined the party as it was the biggest and I was eager to run for congress, and make my mark upon a community that was much smaller than it is today.

Their forums were a ghost town. There was hardly anything going on and despite my best efforts, I could do little to improve. I posted a thread saying I was getting fed up and wanted to improve the party, and for two days I got no replies, so I left. Coming up to the February elections, the left were beginning to pick up speed. Keers had begun the transformation of TUP into a fighting machine and a coalition was formed, ‘The Yellow Submarine Coalition’ if anyone remembers. Final Destiny was elected, and we all know what happened next. Needless to say, it proved that by working together the left could oust the right.

In my opinion the UKRP was destroyed by the Sara Droz fiasco. Having rejoined the party by that point it was besieged with infighting and many members turned on Sara Droz and blamed her solely for what had happened. A cross party cabal plotted her downfall and established kumnaa as president, who was backed by a united left. His sweeping changes that united the country in praise and ensured that the left wing coalition kept power for another 6 months. The only right wing presidents this country has had since then have been passing international visitors, Glados and Dish.

Moving forward to the present, and UK-Left have a sweeping majority within the Commons, and a near monopoly on the presidential seat. It was a place the UKRP was once in, but unlike the right the left is united and hard to beat. There is an influx of new players with new ideas that manage to keep both TUP and PCP revitalised. On the other hand, the UKRP is totally divided after a terrible month.

Outgoing PP darkmantle has managed to annoy a lot of the irc actives through his authoritarian and controlling nature, and the rest of the community through his unreasonable vendetta against the government and Woldy for not giving him a cabinet position. Butthurt leaders aside, a rush of messy legislation has been thrown together in an attempt to block the near destruction of the Lords proposed by Keers. It’s petty to accuse the left of sheep voting proposals when the right are trying to use dozens of bits of legislation to block it and are trying to pack the court by flooding the Lords with right wingers.

However, things do seem to be looking up for them, Dish looks to be a strong informative leader that the right can rally around. The fact that right wing economists RRS and Arthur Wellesley remain a blow to the organised right, although that looks set to be remedied with the surprise return of Json, one of the founders of Aurum (once one of the biggest companies in the eWorld) who could provide a great new addition to the team. Although it has to be said that bringing in old players and constantly recycling old ideas does get a bit tedious after a while.

I know people say ideology doesn’t really factor in with eRepublik, but here I have to disagree. Whilst the right believe in pushing yourself and reaping the rewards of hard work, this is a philosophy that many two clickers do not share. They wish to gain the most from their brief time on the game daily, and the Welfare state and other left wing ideals are the ones that most benefit them. If the right is going to appeal to the silent majority, they need to think of ways to appeal and then prove they can put them into practice.

Will the right ever regain the power and position they once had? At the moment it looks unlikely, but it’s always fun to have an adversary so I’m going to wish Dishmcds the best of luck. He’s going to need it.

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