Why Elect Me To Congress?

Day 1,402, 05:42 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors


The 25th: Congressional Election Time
Every month on the 25th, the citizens of the New World come together in the voting booths and elect the insignificant, magnificent controllers of their nation's treasury, Congress.

According to Plato, a Congress member has merely three small duties;

Voting on proposals proposed by the President or another Congress member;
Accept citizenship requests;
or Proposing (up to two) Laws.

Now you know... Congress has very few actual responsibilities in the New World, but I can tell you from experience that the eAmerican Congress just absolutely LOVES to give themselves busy work. One month, Congress actually debated how to become more active... throughout the entire month! Deaf ears befell my call to end the stupidity and realize that they had actually became more active by debating how to become more active.

This is an example of the fun and responsibility that comes with being elected to the eAmerican Congress.

Eternal Damnation
So why would I subject myself to such insanity for the eighth time? Because this is hell, baby; so I might as well make the best of it. In my terms in office, I have always get more involved with domestic policy when I serve in Congress. As a Congressman, I can make sure the important domestic programs that help each and every eAmerican succeed continue to receive adequate funding and oversight. These programs are important to the entire nation, and their continued success must be assured.

In addition, I have always been one to listens to both sides of the arguments. I have always attempted to be a voice of reason yet stand firm on my belief that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. And I have NEVER put my own personal gain over that of my fellow citizens, nor will I ever.

Can I Get Your Support?
If you agree, join me in moving to COLORADO and be ready to cast that vote. In fact, if you are willing to pledge your vote to me, please let me know. As I said earlier, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one. Your vote may be needed to defend the eUSA against a foreign (or even domestic) political attack.

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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