CONNORS FOR CONGRESS: The Rocky Mountain Way

Day 1,464, 12:18 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors



I am Jude Connors... and I am running for Congress in Colorado.

Last month, I ran and won in the Empire State, which is now in the hands of enemies. I thought about running this time in the Haight-Ashbury District, but California is also under ONE occupation, so the next logical place to run... COLORADO!

Now if it isn't apparent why I picked the Centennial State, let me clue you in. Every year, the state is known for its massive 420 Day festivities including the largest smoker demonstration, held near the doors of the State Capitol.

But enough about that, the question is... "WHY ELECT ME TO CONGRESS?" Well, here's a rundown of the experience I have in Leadership roles in the New Worl😛

• current Lieutenant in the World Famous SEAL Team 6 fighting force.
• current Vice President of the Libertarian Party.
• current White House Press Secretary.
• current Producer of eNPR.
• eight-time Congressman in the eUSA.
• three-time Congressional Leadership.
• four-time United States Workers Party President.
• two-time Chairman of the Socialist Freedom Party Revolutionary Committee.
• Co-Minister of Defense of ePhilippines.
• former Quartermaster of the eUSArmy (Lieutenant Colonel).
• three-time eUSA Secretary of the Interior.
• eUSA Ambassador to eHungary.
• various other Cabinet and party positions.

Even Custer likes to toke it up with me in Colorado

So in this time of national distress, isn't experience what we need in Congress? I have always put the good of the eAmerican people before my own ambitions, and I pledge to continue to do the same. Remember to head over to Colorado and Vote for Jude Connors on the 25th!

Can I Get Your Support?
I ask for the opportunity to try to make a difference. If you agree, join me in moving to Colorado and be ready to cast that vote. In fact, if you are willing to pledge your vote to me, please let me know or fill out this form. Your vote may be needed to defend the eUSA against a foreign (or even domestic) political attack.

Omnia Vincit Amor. Even death.

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