Why Diversity is Patriotic

Day 921, 13:03 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

My fellow subjects. As many of you may have seen, a war is raging between the British Patriots and those that call themselves the British Diversity Party, with the former holding the view that diversity is not patriotic and has no place in Britain. You may have noticed the hostility towards any mention of it contained within several BP ads.

However, it is my opinion that they are wrong. If diversity is a part of British culture, then surely it is the job of the patriot to defend the culture? Many foreigners contribute a great deal to our society, both in real life and in game and to cut them out would simply be insane.

I could murder a curry:

To deny individuals who have proven to be hardworking and loyal access to our country on the basis of their origins, as that is prejudice and discrimination. We must break down boundaries and allow talented people to join us. Without people like funky44, jerryGFL and malchert to name just a few, the country would be a much diminished place. Surely the role of a patriot is to support the best interests of the country?

Not being racist. You’re doing it wrong:

British people fight in our army. British people run our shops, our businesses and play for our sports teams. They help run our health service and contribute to our society in a way that the louts at BP could never expect to do. So what if they’re not “pure English”? Diversity is a gift, learn to use it.

http://ads.erepublik.com/system/photos/2010/05/118585/small/bdp100.jpg?1275012839" />

Thanks for reading, please vote and subscribe!

BP being constructive. You’re doing it wrong:

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