WHPR 1750 - [TL;DR] White House News; eNPR POTUS Debate

Day 1,750, 13:00 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room
White House Press Room - Day 1750

After a failed Impeachment, President Civil Anarchy prepares for an appearance on eNPR.

Dateline: Tuesday, Sept 4, 2012 (Day 1750)
Location: James S Brady Press Room, The White House

Today's Agenda: White House News; eNPR POTUS Debate
Did you miss last Friday's paper? WHPR 1746 - White House News; eNPR Roundup
Last Thursday's eNPR? eNPR Thursday August 30 2012
How about today's Pony Express? Pony Express 1750 - September 2012 POTUS Final Candidates

Sorry for missing Monday's regularly scheduled publication. Sh*t happens.

News from the White House Press Room

The final ballot is set for tomorrow's Presidential Election.
Each candidate should have at least their top Cabinet nominees named, including Secretary of Media. As outgoing SecMed, and having declined the offer to continue in this position under any September Administration, I invite ALL SecMed nominees to contribute a segment for the Wednesday Sept 5 Edition of WHPR.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to campaign for your future boss, in the Official White House newspaper on Election Day.

Segments will be limited to no more than 12 lines of text, plus a photo no larger than 675x225px. I will only edit your work if it is too long-- compose it in an old edition of your own newspaper to get it just right before sending it to me.
Submissions will be to me via game mail, and must be received before 0300 hours Sept 5-- no exceptions.

This offer is limited to SecMed nominees whose candidates appear on tonight's eNPR Bigass POTUS Debate show. No show, no go-- no exceptions.

In and Around The White House

Region Withdrawl and Policy Shifting
So many of the players freaking out about this week's withdrawal from regions the US has certainly been a hot topic this past week. Of note is that many (not all) of the most outraged players are relatively young. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with being young, other than having more ambition than experience, which is the point I want to make now.

Region withdrawals and policy shifting happens all the time. The US has enjoyed so many straight months of nothing but Win, you may not have ever seen or experienced anything like this. But it does happen, like an ebb-and-flow kinda thing, it's quite natural no matter who is President or whose politics is being played at the top.
Alliances change. Poland and Spain have been friends and enemies to the US, Germany, France, and many other countries, and they've been just as great to have as Allies as they've been terrible as enemies. Indo has not been an Ally, but there have been NAP (Non-Aggression Pact) agreements with them from time to time, usually-- as is this time-- as part of an arrangement to keep Australia safe. Canada is currently controlled by a bad guy, Rolo-something, and his cronies-- he is the enemy, not the people of Canada, and warring against Canada is a way to help our friends rid themselves of this jerk and return to their own whacky way of governing themselves. And Mexico is.. well, they're Mexico. We need to hold onto a couple good regions, but not the whole darn place. In exchange for being allowed to exist, they'll be friendly neighbors-- or we'll take 'em out again *snap* just like that.

In short... learn some history. Maybe someone more authoritative on the subject will publish an article or three outlining the history of US Foreign Policy. Meanwhile, please just try to understand that there is more to this than you may have experienced in your own eight-month eLife.

Enemies in Congress

Because the Federal Election Commission was disbanded, and because Party Presidents are lax about background checking candidates, enemies do get elected to our Congress. Last term there were 20 or so, this month around 15.
An "enemy in our Congress" is not simply a foreigner-- for the most part, we love and embrace immigrants, and they have a perfect right to participate in our governing process. An "enemy in Congress" is, for instance, a Serb-- and Serbia is one country we have never been and never will be allied with-- who gets citizenship through a sitting Congressman who does not follow the rules about processing requests through our Immigration Service (IES). These people are brought in as citizens specifically to run for Congress and win, and then use their allotment of citizenships to grant more enemies citizenship. Over the months, these numbers have built to the point where they represent a formidable voting bloc-- a voting bloc of enemies of the US, working within the system to destroy America from within.

What's the answer to this? How do we stop it?
Well, it would have been nice if Congressional election officials had been doing their jobs, but having failed that our Temp President Civil Anarchy has set about a plan to reduce our non-essential holdings-- to :1: reduce the number of regions in which we must manage secure and legitimate candidates for Congress, and :2: reduce the Resource Bonus from the comfortable 100/100 we've enjoyed for the past nine months or so, to make it less profitable and less comfortable for citizens whose only goal is personal wealth while not having the best interests of the nation at heart.

It's not immigrants from Greece or France or wherever, those who integrate and function as Americans for America, who are the problem. And anyone who stoops to outright bigotry is wrong, and not helping America at all. The problem that has led to these kind of remarks was one of an elected Congressman violating the rules by sharing secure information. He did it because he was bad for America, not because Greek-Americans are bad.

This "region withdrawal" plan is clearly not popular among those Americans who lack understanding of the big picture and the long game.
This plan may or may not be continued by the next President.
Which brings me to the next point...

Your Conscience Tells You that the Fight Orders are Wrong

I understand. The President understands. Your MU Commanders and unit leadership understands. Oldfags and Elites understand-- we really do.
It's hard to reconcile with giving back regions we just took. It's hard to understand becoming partners, whether through NAP or maybe even realignment of Allies and MPPs, with people we've demonized and have had so much fun killin' for so long. Reference paragraphs above to reiterate this point.

But how do we conduct ourselves, as individual players, as loyal Americans, in this difficult situation? It's really not so complicated.

Civilians are not bound to follow Government fight orders, though we do hope they check the DoD every day and fight as instructed. Members of independent Military Units-- those not receiving government subsidy-- are also not required to follow the government's fight orders, though we do hope the're in line with the President and SecDef's plans and fight as directed.
But the rest of us, those who choose to sport a Government Military Unit avatar or are a member of an OMS (Office of Militia Services) militia... we represent the government. We accept supplies provided by Congressional allotment through the Budget, which is American Tax Money. We signed on, we agreed-- we weren't drafted, nobody's twisting anyone's arm-- we volunteered to join our Military Unit and follow orders. That's it-- we agreed to it.

Now, a situation like this comes up, where we just cannot bring ourselves to fight for Indonesia, or for Mexico, as our orders direct us. Whether that decision is well informed or not, whether it's an emotional decision or a logical one, today you have decided you simply cannot follow today's fight order.
There are a few perfectly acceptable options-- but using government supplies and wearing a government uniform while fighting directly in opposition to orders, and urging others to do the same... is not a legitimate option.

Here are some legitimate options:
:1: Take off that uniform. Resign. There are non-government-subsidized fighting units to join. But they have rules, too, and violating them won't fly there, either.
:2: Talk to your immediate Superior Officer, your MU Commander, even the President-- via IRC or game mail or write an article. Express your concern and disagreement.
::a: Return your supplies to your Quartermaster.
:😛: Look for Government directed battles which are not in conflict with your feelings. Maybe the DoD's secondary Priority has one for you. Maybe the US or an Ally is fighting somewhere you have no personal conflict fighting.
: 3: Don't fight. Return your supplies, and sit this day out. No Bazooka, no Xps, but the personal sacrifice is well worth not having the personal conflict. This is what I've been doing all week.

Freedom of Speech

"Freedom of Speech" is something no one playing eRep really has. Our Admin overlords see to it that we cannot express ourselves in many ways. But as e'Mericans we expect to practice the same (or as close as Admins will allow) degree of freedom of expression as we do in the real world. We make that comparison, and bring that expectation to the game.
But with any freedom comes responsibility. Freedom is not a God-given right, it is an earned privilege. We earn that freedom of expression along with all other rights, by acting responsibly within our society.. by working to promote what is right and good, because without purposeful and focused cooperative effort the bad people will make the bad things happen and we'll all be ill-affected by it. Good and right don't happen by themselves. They usually require sacrifice-- for the good of the group, the individual must give or sacrifice or work hard, or there is no group.

What we have seen these past days is a beautiful but disturbing illustration of irony.
We have seen a leader called Anarchy championing a cause of cooperation and peace, while loyal patriots practice anarchy to disrupt progress toward a secure future for America.

"I did not have sexual relations with that Indo..."

Impeachment Fails
Like last week, a rogue Congressman used an in-game Proposal to Impeach the President. Unlike last week, he did not have the advantage of doing so on the cusp of Congressional terms, when a total of 35 (as described above) "enemies in Congress" could vote Yes. Unlike last week, Congressional disfavor of President Civil Anarchy's foreign policy did not cause Congress to forego protocol as they did to demonstrate a Vote of No Confidence in response to Glove's placement of the US alongside longtime enemies in the Admins' silly contest.
Proposals for Impeachment, Tax Changes and Minimum Wage Change must be proposed in Congress, Discussed and Voted on there before they can be brought to an in-game Vote. Lacking this proper procedure, it is customary for Congress to Reject such rogue Proposals.

Rejection of this Impeachment Proposal shows that the majority of Congress follows the rules set by themselves for their own conduct, and is a clear demonstration of acting responsibly while dealing with conflicted personal views.

This original photo was resized and cropped to 675x225, the maximum size for SecMeds' segment submissions.

eNPR to Host the September Bigass POTUS Debate

Tonight at 1900 hours, eNPR will host another classic Bigass POTUS Debate, featuring the final balloted candidates and a Guest Moderator to be announced.

Letters have been sent out to all five final candidates, and Temp SecMed Custer continues as eNPR Producer to arrange Moderators, guests, topics, and guest callers, to assure a live debate which is both informative and entertaining.

Be in #eNPR (on IRC, Rizon server) to post questions and comments, and have the show queued up in your browser ahead of time so you don't miss a single action packed minute of this historic Presidential Debate.

eNPR Oval Office Radio airs live every Tuesday and Thursday night, at 19:00 eRep (10pm Eastern, 7pm Pacific). Tune in to the radio show, join the text chat at #eNPR (on the Rizon server), and call in!

eNPR Tuesday, August 28: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr/2012/08/29/enpr-tuesday-august-28-2012
eNPR Thursday, August 30: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/enpr/2012/08/31/enpr-thursday-august-30-2012
eNPR Tuesday Sept 4:

If you miss any live radio show, you can listen at your leisure, at eNPR Oval Office Radio.
If you do Facebook, be sure to "Like" NPR - eUSA Radio.

Recommended Reading:

Today's Pony Express: Pony Express 1750 - September 2012 POTUS Final Candidates

| The President's Newspaper | Speaker's Word | DoD Civilian Orders | Dept of Education | Dept of Interior |
| White House Press Room | Pony Express | eNPR Radio |

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George Armstrong Custer Secretary of Media


WHPR Day 1750
[TL😉R] White House News; eNPR POTUS Debate