When All Is Said And Done

Day 610, 23:59 Published in Russia Russia by The Cossacks HeadQuarters
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The last article of CossackSWord brought its fair share of radical warmonger's critics about us being "traitors" for thinking that (a) we could lose this war and (b) even if we win, we will be farther from recovering our Motherland as never before.

Now it is time to repeat our readers what we are, and what we defend, for the case that you do not know much about The Cossacks:

We are an English-speaking eRussian patriotic party. Our one and only loyalty is to eRussia. We are not pro-PEACE, but we are definitively not anti-PEACE either. We just want our Motherland back. By negotiation and frienship if possible... by putting enough PEACE members at our side if bilateral negotiations do not work (and they are not working)... and by direct confontation, war and wrath when everything else was tried and failed.

We work and fight for eRussia:

* We reconstructred the Foreign Legion, which was disbanded as we came and now has provoked 9000 points of damage in a single battle. We were in Raska helping our Serbian friends and our blood taints the fields of Zemgale, the Walloons, Alaska, Idaho, Wysconsin... often fighting with our own weapons, often rejecting the ones of the Army to fight with better ones. The Cossacks are the half of the whole Foreign Legion, and 40% of our members are in the Army. Not many parties can say that... actually I know no other, normal numbers are far under 5%.

* We sent hundreds of messages to help newbies, we helped dozens of them, with our very limited human resources. Not only with tickets but with advice and couching: links, information about a productive life, etc.

* We are organizing an anti party-TO pact wich the collaboration of CDP, Habra and the now-small CPSU-Commisariat, to make eRussian politics cleaner: Party TOs, a work of demagoges, oligarchs and foreign spies, must be prevented as much as possible.

Just yesterday, for example, we donated gold to the Army, to build a new organization under the full control of the Ministry of Defense, so that this organization can accumulate weapons... but, alas, I must "confess" that this was egoistic because since the war has begun, The Cossacks party is giving its 20 slots of inventory to the Army, so that weapons can be distributed more efficiently. Of course our Party programs have suffered from the continuous interference, but what the hell, we are at war and everybody must help.

And we will carry on, no matter what the warmongers and chicken hawks (who critisize us and never were in the Army) say. We will continue fighting and working for eRussia, loyal to our Motto: "WE DO OUR BEST, AND FXXK THE REST".

They can join us.
They can work with us.
They can disagree with us.
They can compete against us.

But if they call us "traitors" or "spies" because we also use our brains and don't always agree with the Government or the course of this war... they are making themselves no favor.