What We know about wellness

Day 903, 07:12 Published in Norway Norway by Immigrasjonsverket

Wellness is something that sustains us in our eLife. These are points that we can use to perform various types of events. Starting from work, by training ending on fight . We supply them with eating food, or possession of the houses and gifts. At the start we get 100 points of wellness, which is to have the maximum possible amount. Remember that this is a very important thing here to be taken care of. No interest in wellness can cause restrictions in the possibilities of our actions (can not fight with wellness below 40 points) and even our character could die.

1 Growth http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.up.jpg">

Our wellness is always growing when we have food in our storage. Depending on the quality we get enough health points. In addition, we can regain wellness when we have house in our storage . It is also possible gift you up by someone. Also after the fight we are able to benefit from the hospital who returns to us lost in combat wellness.

1a. Food http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.2.jpg">
Food is an obligatory part of every day of our virtual lives. Without them, our citizens lose a day up to 4 points of health and is not possible then no increase (even with the highest quality house)!

1b. House http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.3.jpg">
Own home is a valuable benefit for our character. It is an investment that brings us to a permanent profit in the form of additional health points. Will allow us to spend less on food and bring measurable benefits. The last time house prices have increased dramatically with the result that the amount of 5g ( or higher, depends how high tresure you dig off 🙂 ) which the player when you reach level 6 allows you to purchase a house Q1 and leave a very small amount for other expenses. But if we have to purchase it we should remember one thing: a house is an investment profitable. Our character will be a spa for its possession and, if necessary, purchase a better one, this worst you can always sell.

1c. Gifts http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.4.jpg">
Gifty is a fast way to recover a maximum of 10 health points in one day (this is the limit imposed by the eRepublik). When we need help and want to get the 10 wellness we need organization or other person. In the early stages of the game your organization is not popular because it costs 5g assumption and it is useful primarily to conduct business. So we need to help the other person. The easiest way would we find such an IRC channel (I recommend # enorge or #Immigrasjonsverket where you will always find someone who will help you). For such a person should be sent through the donate gifts purchased by us or their equivalent in cash. After a while we get our desired points of health.

1d. Hospital http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.5.jpg">
In the hospital, we can recover the lost wellness in fight. The amount they get there depends on the number of combatants and the quality of the hospital. Number of wellness that will be receive a number of battles * 10, but that number may not be higher than the quality of the hospital * 10 To explain this: in Norway we ve got three Q5 hospitals (Svalbard&Jan Mayen, Trondelag and Vestiandet). If your character is in one of these regions and give it 4 attacks after using the hospital will receive 40 wellness after five fights 50th And that 50 is the maximum number we can get health after treatment in hospital.

1e. First Aid Kits
Wellness boxes are most expensive and most effective way to improve our health. The cost of one first aid kit is a 2g. That this price, we get an immediate 10 vitality. However, because the price is not a popular solution. It is used mostly by the strong soldiers for the implementation of a large number of attacks in a short time.

2 Decrease http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.down.jpg">
Loss Wellness points is due to the implementation of some action by us which requires us to use a certain amount of wellness. We lose wellness because of hunger if we do not have any food in our storage.

2a. Work
Every day of our work wellness will fall (about 1* quality of the company in which we work). For example, when you working in Q3 company your wellness will fall by 3 point.

2b. Training
When you are training your character to become stronger to inflict higher damage during the fight. It costs us a single point of wellnes during the workout. And this is not dependent on this, which workout you choose, free and Napoleon take 1point wellness.

2c. Fight
Single attack cost us 10 wellness. It is recommended that where possible the exercise of five attacks, and treatment in the hospital Q5 (loss of 5 attacks is fully treated in hospital quality 5) and receives experience points that are needed for the new military ranks.

2d. Hunger
Lack of food in a storage exposes us to weaken our citizens and the loss of wellness. If you have above 80 health lack of food cost you lose 4 points wellness, if your wellness is between 51 to 80 Wellness fall by 3 points, from 11 to 50 wellnes lack of food cost you 2 points and one point below 10 wellness.

3 Death http://wiki.ddl2.pl/e/3.over.jpg">
Your character dies when wellness reaches 0. After this event, it is possible to revive the game. But then will be only one problem, after our return we get 50 wellness.
What we lose? We are removed from the party (if it belonged to any), and stop receiving messages. We lose also our favorite newspaper subions. All other things such as levels of cash and experience points, items owned or friends remain intact.



http://darmowegrafiki.5m.pl/strzalki/gify_ikony/link-arrow.jpg"> Yours low wellness our big problem


IRC help channel
If you want guidance, it will also be given on IRC. Please visit our channel on Quakenet (#Immigrasjonsverket). The easiest way to access irc would be by clicking this link

Also, remember! If you haven't done this yet, register at the Norwegian eRepublik forum!

http://img30.imageshack.us/i/beztytuunbj.jpg/">http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/9704/beztytuunbj.jpg" border="0" />

Posting in THIS thread nets you 20 NOK! No strings attached!

If you need any more help, just message this organization and one of the staff will help you! No question is too stupid!
