What type of leader?

Day 679, 20:21 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Badlands17

Hello again from your Prime Minister!

So let me say already, this decision to be made about the war games has taxed me, just as it would tax any prime minister. I have listened for several hours to debate whether we should invade Japan or not by people from all sorts of nationalities and backgrounds, and with all sorts of talking points involved. Times like these would be exactly the ones where you want to rest assured that your leader will make a realistic, well thought out decision. I am still undecided and contemplating, in fact. I'm sure most want to know that their leader isn't bound by any principles or pre-existing soft spots and will truly make a decision in their country's best interest. This is why a president can't just be active and friendly; there needs to be another quality there that allows them to truly better their nation.

That said, this is pretty much a response to Vikta's latest platform. Besides the typical platform talk (which looks much grander than anything I have put forward), there is one main factor and message in this article: raise our population. I think Vikta's baby boom work is awesome and definitely should not be discouraged. However, how much is too much? Vikta's plans sound great on paper, and surely beat anything I would be comfortable putting in a platform. However, as I have shown in my last article, when I make a promise, I am not BSing; I fully intend on fulfilling that promise. My perfect track record in that regard shows that. Vikta makes a whole range of promises, from a structured and organized mentoring program, to training the army to recreate war scenarios.

So how will this clearly bigger and better government operate? This isn't made clear. He at first mentions something akin to printing currency (which can by no means provide for everything he plans to do) and then replies to Carr De Vaux's critical comment stating that he will 'manipulate the Laffer curve'? He will either raise taxes or just take and take and take from the warchest in the Central Bank presidents Nagyzee and I have worked incredibly hard to build up, very possibly until we have barely anything left there for a real crisis. I pride myself very much on a strong and efficient government that does not ask for much monetarily from its citizens.

So before you get swooned by Vikta's grand vision, please remember that anyone can make a promise, but it takes a true leader to make his promises reality, as I have done. I especially stress this to baby boomers, who may be extremely inclined to vote for a mentor and a good friend. Vikta is a good friend of mine as well, but I frankly think that if we elect him, his platform will not become reality without accepting some cold hard truths. Growth is inevitable; Vikta will keep giving us baby booms whether he is elected president or not, and even if he doesn't we will still grow. It's difficult not to appreciate his role in strengthening our country, but as I said, sometimes that's not enough. With all the talk about power and military strength, I frankly wonder what decision he would have likely already made by now on the eJapan matter.

- Badlands17, Prime Minister of eFRoSEA