My Platform for the eFRoSEAn Presidency

Day 679, 00:25 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Vikta

I humbly come before you, the people of the Federal Republic of South East Asia, the union of the two great and proud nations of eMalaysia and eThailand, to seek your permission for the highest office of our land, the office of the President of eFRoSEA.

The journey of our nation is currently at a crossroad. One path, is to continued mediocrity and insignificance, while the other is one that would bring our nation into greatness, be it in the area of hard power; our economic and military prowess, or soft power; in our ability to influence the world through persuasion wielding.

I hope I am allowed the privilege of guiding our nation through the second path.

I have plans and I have visions for our nation, and I hope you will lend me an ear.

Babies are what we need.

Our nation can only rise to greatness when we have a more significant population. I will continue to privately fund the facebook advertisments, that have already generated more than 700 babies in multiple waves. I will continue running the ads until we have more than 4000 citizens. I will actively try and get more publicity for eFRoSEA in the real life media, as those are how real big number of babies are made.

To increase our baby retention rate, I will appoint a Minister to create more interesting and 'fun' activities for the new babies to do. It is in the first few days that most of our babies stop playing and give up, as the amount of things you can do are severely limite😛 I personally PM each and every one of them, and they always invariably give up when they find that there isn't much to do but eat, work and train.

This Minister will also work with the Minister of Education, attached to the Social Office of eMalaysia, to educate the babies and guide them through to a level where they will not quit and will continue to play indefinitely. The Minister of Education will also revive the Mentorship program and this time, I will personally see through that it is successful in retaining our babies. The Mentorship program will have a set and definite structure that is organised and efficient.

Although we need a large population, I believe it is equally important if not even more so to have an ACTIVE POPULATION. Two clicker babies are bad babies. Hence, I will start a campaign to direct our babies to our forums and IRC, where we can further educate and engage them, thereby retaining them.

I will also propose a one off addition to the 'citizen fee' of around 10 - 15MYR once the babies reach level 5. This might not be much for the state, but it will definitely encourage our new babies and reenergise their commitment and passion to this game.

As the current Minister of Defense, I have successfully oversaw and implemented a command structure in our military. I have also tested and made changes, dropped, and introduced new structures and ideas to the military after testing.

However, the Military's work is far from over.

If elected, I will allocate a definite part of the state budget to train our military. I will make use of our command structure currently in place: each platoon will get a fixed budget every week that they can allocate amongst themselves to train their soldiers. Obviously, different types of platoons will get different kinds of funding and this Ministry will access each and every platoon and determine its budget.

Because the platoon leaders know their platoon members the best, I believe they remain the most suitable people to decide on how much to allocate each platoon member. The platoon leader knows which members are more valuable, more active, more likely to follow orders. Hence, they remain in the unique and special position to make these calls.

In addition, I also plan to deploy our military in mock training exercises to keep activity and interest levels up. These mock activities will also expose the vulnerabilities and faults in our command structure that would otherwise not be noticed. We can then correct these faults before they blow up in our face in an emergency and real situation.

As a former Secretary of State and Minister of Foreign Affairs, I have some experience in dealing with diplomacy in international relations. If elected, I will reconfirm our dedication to Sol and the vision of Sol. This is especially important, as Sol has been going through a tough patch lately, with eJapan's rumoured exit.

This being said, our relations with our Sol allies are currently at an all time high. I want to maintain that. We will have friendly and good relations with our Sol allies, and help them out in times of need.

I will continue the Sol War Games, as I believe that the war games are an extremely important part of our nation, and will only serve to grow our nation more, be it financially (leveling up Gold and the support for Weapons and Iron jobs, while creating a vibrant weapons industry in eFRoSEA), or military (gaining higher ranks).

I am sure you have heard some rumours that I intend to 'attack Japan'. THIS IS NOT TRUE. If elected, I will maintain our nation's neutrality and non aggression in the today's Bipolar eWorld.

In addition, as eFRoSEA grows larger due to our baby booms, I will make sure that eFRoSEA will not have imperialistic tendencies. We will not conquer our neighbours for the, quote, lulz. We will not take regions because they are resource rich. We will be committed to the idea of non-aggression, and we will maintain our neutrality.

As a former Minister of Finance, I have certain experiences in dealing with the economy. However, Nagyzee, our current Minister of Finance is much more apt and experienced in dealing with such matters. I will retain Nagyzee. It would be foolish to replace our best Minister of Finance ever.

That said, I would like to elaborate slightly on my plans. In the long term, I would like to see the economy slowly adjust, whether it be the MYR to Gold value and the number of companies, products and jobs, as more waves of babies come in.

In the short term, I would like to reconfirm my dedication to the Ringgit Peg of 0.015, and also the training companies. In essence, the status quo is working for us now, and we should only slowly make adjustments to accommodate the long term structural changes due to the baby booms.

Finally, before I let you go, I would like to, if you would allow me a few more seconds, detail my vision for this great country.

I see a proud nation able to make its own significant mark in the eWorld, while reaffirming our commitment to neutrality, non-aggression and the vision of Sol.

I see us becoming a great and significant nation, but yet retaining its charm that first attracted so many migrants, reaffirming our commitment to neutrality.

I envision an nation that shatters the current eWorld paradigm and synonyms; We will have a large, yet tight knit, close, and friendly community. We will have a strong, yet peaceful military. We will be a confident and proud nation, yet also humble and accepting. We will prove that power sometimes does not corrupt. We will be a moral and just compass in the current polarized eWorld. We will be uniquely eFRoSEAn.

Above all, we will remain true to our vision, and always stay true to our hearts.

Thank you.
