What's up with eFrance in the New World? [Vote please !]

Day 824, 13:59 Published in France France by Orango

Hey do you remember the thing that was called eface, no wait it was something like efroce ou efrace... It represented a few hundreds of people if I remember well, no? What happened to this players?

Yes, it has been 3 months that France has been attacked by Spain, 2 months that it has lost most of its regions and a few weeks that it has been completely invaded. Many in the eWorld have forgotten who we are...

1) What is eFrance ?
First of all, you have to understand that "eFrance" is not something on a map. "eFrance" is a community that is alive and still playing. It contains a lot of IRL French people but also many Belgians, Canadians, Swiss or even British or french-speaking people around the world ! Being an eFrench is a state of mind, you no longer have to get a little blue-white-red flag on your profile page to be eFrench, you just have to feel like you are part of the community, to feel attached to this awesome group and fight for it.

Anyone can be eFrench, you just have to really want it and work for the good of our community.

2) Is eFrance still alive?
Yes, it sure is but from now on, everything happens through the community board/forum, you are not obligated to be active on it to be eFrench but it helps.

The proof of that is our three-months-old Forum that has already 77k messages and 1k active members. We are not dead, our president is still in office, our congress still stands. We have had a little babyboom in december and januari and they are still playing through all the difficulties ! We have devoted young or old players that registered a few weeks ago or sometimes years ago. We have many different projects running in eFrance, for example the Press trophys, the Napoleon Project. We also have excellent journalists in eFrance: "Lordbass", "Potier", "Onlypoker", "Luke Magitem", "Ivan Dusaiks" and many others (including promising new players).

3) Risks for eFrance?
"If everything is going so fine, what are you afraid of?"
The "survival" of eFrance shouyd better be called an "agony" or "death struggle". Whitout any governmental money and whitout any in game representation, every community is sliding towards extinction. Hopefully, eFrance is a strong and united community so we are able to struggle for a long time but it we can't avoid the unavoidable.

First, we can't avoid that some players stop the game because they are tired of have absolute no representation in the game, or they swap their citizenship to be able to play elsewhere in the world. Because of that, our IG representation, our strenght and our economical potential is decreasing day after day.

Secondly, in the actual situation all projects are obviously slowed down. Whitout IG political system, there is almost no opposition to the decisions of our politicians. We don't even know what we will be doing on congress election day. This leads to boredom which leads to the first point.

Thirdly, our army is weakened and is not receiving weapons anymore since a long time. Because of that, we make smaller damage in the battle and the other countries think we are useless and not worth their help.

Fourth, the increasing PTO risk. Actually, many our partys have been PTOed because they where moved to the USA. On congress election day, if we still don't have a country, when we will get one everyone moving to that region will be able to take the french nationality and that will lead to a gigantic PTO risk.

Fifth, the miscommunication of the eFrench people. Because the efrench nationality cannot be requested anymore, all the new eFrench babies haven't the efrench nationality and don't see the Top 5 efrench articles. That leads to a lot of miscommunication and a bad organisation and that's also why french damage are sometimes lower than expected.

4) eFrance and Phoenix?
"Right, but you're not even in Phoenix, what are you expecting?"
That's true, we never made the step of entering Phoenix, we wanted to give you some time to forget the errors from the past and don't be bitter anymore.

Yes, we tanked against Indonesia 5 months ago in the anti-imperialism-campaign lead by Lyne Faynel, yes we refused to attacked USA in a considerred as "hopeless action" by Lyne Faynel (again). We all have to accept it and let it go, anyone has the right for a second chance. It also have hurt us when some of our friends fought at the spanish side in beginning december and we have understood the lesson.

Now, it is no wonder that we always remained close to our PHX friends. Particularly Serbia, UK and Russia who helped us a lot during our war. It is also well-known that we pay maybe too much attention to loyalty and bravoure since the Lyne episode, many of us disapproved her actions 5 months ago and most of us considerred as shameful if we had given up the fight and be traitors towards our real friends again by negociating with EDEN and it pushed us to burn our last golds and keep fighting till our last breath. If we had only fought for ourselves we would have signed a peace treaty early januari and admitted our defeat but becaus of our loyalty we are now completely under occupation. It is almost certain that EDEN entered the Franco-spanian war because of our still strong relation with PHX members and its MPPs. So our pro-Phoenix-attitude was certainly one of the cause of our defeat.

But however we never gave up, we kept fighting and kept our pro-Phoenix attitude even while holding our membership of the Entente in the other hand. We fought side by side with our Entente's friends in december but it didn't lead to much success. We have sent our soldiers to Kalingrad in januari and lived with our Russian friends. We were part of some Phoenix operations and wanted to prove our loyalty to our "unofficial" friends too. We also moved to the UK and helped the British people as hard as we could till the peace treaty.

In an unofficial poll on the eFrench community board, 55% (125 votes) of the voting people wanted to try entering Phoenix (30 votes to leave the Entente and enter Phoenix and 95 to stay as Associate member of entente and enter Phoenix).

You can say what you want but the French defeat as the Deutsch one are also Phoenix defeats. They are the proofs that EDEN defeated Phoenix on the territory of its close friends and one of its ally. As long as the countries will be under occupation, many will keep considerring that PHX lost the European front of the World War. I am sure it would only be good for Phoenix if it has a loyal (yes don't be shocked by this word, I am convinced we are proving our loyalty towards Phoenix and Entente by never give up and helping them as hard as we can) and brave ally in the center of Europe with a great babyboom potential.

Yes, IRL France counts more than 65 000 000 people, IRL french-speaking Canadians 7 000 000, french-speaking Belgians 4 000 000 and also many million over Africa, Switzerland and over all countries in the world. Many of these have internet access. The babyboom potential of eFrance is huge, maybe even as huge as Poland was a few months ago. I am convinced it can become a strong nation and important country in the next months if we succeed in bringing up a durable, controlled and massive babyboom to eFrance.

5) eFrance and the Entente?
"And what about your Entente's friends?"
It's a delicate point, we are one of the founders of the Entente and are still officially part of the Entente. For my part (totally unofficial) I think defensive alliances are useless and that the Entente has no real future. But is still is the symbol of our friendship with our most loyal friends: Italy, Ukraine and Paraguay who always helped us.

For my part, we should not quit the Entente, it is not bad and I think we may absolutely not forget our friends from the Entente after everything they have given for us. But I also think we may noit stay exclusively in the Entente and I am sure we should try to enter Phoenix and stay in Entente at the same time. It would require that we would switch from Core Member of Entente to Associate Member of Entente and that a special contract with Phoenix would be made which specifies that no matters what happens eFrance will never attack one of the regions composing the Entente even if it gets the mission to do so and that no matters what happens eFrance will always fight at the side of the Entente's member if it is attacked by someone else.

6) Future of eFrance?
"What now for the future of eFrance?"
I still hope that we will be freed before the 23th otherwise it will be much harder to get rid of the potential PTO attempt if we get a region back after that. I still am hoping that our PHX and Entente's friends will not let us down and that we will win a battle together.

In any case, I am sure that we have to stabilize our country by working for a babyboom. Many said that it wasn't a good idea considerring the situation of eFrance but I think it is the best situation ever ! Yes, fighting for our country is the best motivation to continue a game. We never had a better situation: in August we were overcrowded by players from all kind and merely 1% stayed on the game. In december it wasn't big or controlled enough but many people stayed even if eFrance had already almost vanished.

I am sure we have to launch a serious babyboom program and help the CTB (a kind of "Ministry of Babyboom&quot😉 in its actions. We have to revive the most projects we can (I am thinking for example to "Le Classeur", old eFrench players will remember), we have to lead them in the good way, inform them of what they can do to help their country and let them be involved in the projects of eFrance.

We should launch a special army division "Apprentis soldats" composed by young players and babys who wants to participate to the different actions for eFrance, a kind of big "Service Militaire" (only efrench players will understand what I am talking about) but before it where we permit to the young players to get involved and fight for freedom to give them a purpose in the game. The informative IRC channels for eBabies should be revived and the Ministry of Solidarity should be more active than ever.

I think a successful babyboom in Poland, Russia or Spain with controlled and informated new players is our only way to stabilize a region if we get one back and to have a future for our country in the New World.

7) How can you help?
"What can eFrench players do to help their community?"
(Read my other article for more information: Click here)

1) JOIN THE FORUM ! It is the headquarter of everything now and your presence is required on this extroardinary communication tool.
1) Join Resistance battaillon: Click here and contact OnlyPokerCantJudgeMe for more information.
2) Wear the eFrench-Citizen-symbol on your avatar by pasting this on your avatar:

(click to see normal size)
3) Install the InfoDefenScript to be always aware of the latest French battle orders: Click here

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😎 Elections:
"What about the upcoming elections?"
I ask to the admins of the community forum to quickly create a new section called "Citizenship requests" as first section (completely above) with a topic called "Rules to post Citizenship requests" where is explained that to make a request you have to create a new topic where you explain your motivation.

They also should create a special group of moderators that analyze each request and approve or refuse it, they change each topic title and add [Approved] or [Refused] at the beginning of it. The admins should put every accepted member in a special group called "French citizens". Only the members of that group would have access to another section called "Voting Area" where they could vote for the congress members they want, the 20 people with the most votes would be elected as official Congress Members on the forum.

I think it is the best solution to keep a political activity in our community.

This article may be edited later to add some new points, new I am a bit tired I just got back from holidays, sorry.

Please vote this article if you thought is was interesting ! And subscribe to my newspaper if you like it 😉

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