What's Eden's Game Plan?

Day 1,158, 19:32 Published in USA USA by Emerick

Poland and Spain both signed MPP's with Hungary and refused MPP's by Rumania. Poland is currently holding a referendum regarding leaving Eden. Yep. From Poland's famous refusal last month to Spain's denial yesterday, Spoland are officially alienating Rumania. The fact is that they're clearly targeting Rumania now, while still being members of Eden. Eden, so far, has not taken serious actions to dissuade them or prevent the coming invasion of Rumania. And it's coming. Poland and Hungary versus Rumania with Spain's help. Also, all of Hungary's other allies. The tides are turning on Rumania, and they need something to help protect them from the coming invasion.

With Poland and Spain clearly targeting one of Eden's core members, Eden needs a serious game plan. They can try to eliminate their problem with either force or diplomacy. Now, as we all know, you can't actually get rid of enemy country. Ever. So that's off the table. They need to either reign Spoland back in, or if that's not possible, attempt deterrence through superior allied numbers, and when it comes to it, win the war with them.

So what's Eden's game plan? They're hemorrhaging core members and have members plotting to invade another core member. Meanwhile, Eden's press releases have been nothing but butterflies and sunshine. From a historical standpoint, this looks like the end of the Eden alliance. Both Atlantis and Peace tried to keep up a pretty public face while things were falling apart around them. It just so happens that, while Peace and Atlantis were crumbling, when it was clear to nearly everyone that the alliances were in their death throes, the people up top were trying to smooth everything over, and they were putting up a happy face to the public, because they honestly loved their alliance. Peace was actually more graceful, but whatever. The fact is that, for a large part, people are just tired of these alliances. And not just their names now, but the entire international geopolitical landscape.

So what's Eden's game plan? Will Eden become Peace? Will it gobble up every country it possibly can to get as many people it possibly can to protect them all? Will they wage proxy wars to assert power? Will they try to portray the UN?

I can tell you right now that Eden has both friends and enemies in both Panam and NWO. And NWO has both friends and enemies in both Panam and Eden. And it goes without saying that Panam has both friends and enemies in both Eden and NWO. The alliances aren't simply strong enemy lines right now, as they've been, for the most part, for the last 3 years. So like. When you look at it that way, Eden could very well make for the third alliance. They have a decent enough core(Rumania, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia). A decent counter to both alliances. And I'm sure that, given the cross-friendships in the alliances, that they'll work together in most instances. Actually, they already are. China's helping America against Iran right now, and Bogdan_L helped Panam by tanking against Spain in last night's RW in Venezuela.

Of course, this won't last forever. At some point, political and military maneuvering will force lines to be drawn again, and two super alliances will duke it out for a long time once again. Hopefully though, they won't last so long this time.

As for Eden, they defeated Penix, just as decisively as Peace defeated Atlantis. They should be proud for their hard work. They've toppled empires and built their own, they've boxed their enemies in, and they stood above all as a real force for good, actually living up to all the old Peace propaganda. They had a really good run, but times are changing. What will their future, if any, be? That's up to them. The rest of us will forge our own country's and alliance's future, and hope for the best.

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