Were backing Blue & Evil

Day 1,931, 00:40 Published in United Kingdom Australia by Send love to Plato

Well last night (March 3rd) the ballot for Independent Alliance members to vote on who they want their party to officially back closed. Sadly the game mechanics closed any chance we had of officially placing our name next to our chosen candidate and we were 24 hours too late, so I am urging all I.A members to make up for this and be very vocal with our support for - BLUE & EVIL. I apologise wholeheartedly to Blue & Evil for my mistake and rest assured our ballot and conference will be moved back by 48 hours for next month so this will not happen again.

The members of the Independent Alliance can find the screenshot of the final results in our forum section which you can find HERE. I can reveal a whopping 72.73% of you voted to back Blue & Evil on March 5th and we hope you will come out on the day in support of our chosen candidate. Of course all members are free to vote how they please but please make sure you do exercise your right to vote.

We fully expect Blue & Evil to represent the eUK with honour, honesty and dedication...the same traits he has shown previously when holding Government positions, and it were these traits that convinced our members to cast our votes his way. We wish ALL candidates the very best of eUK luck and hope the country see's a clean and open campaign.

Last night was also the independent Alliance's second monthly meeting, granted turn out was disappointing but onwards we progressed...time for a banner I think -

To start things off we would like to announce that the Independent Alliance will be donating 10 gold to the eUk's NHS scheme. This is something we strongly back and regardless of party we feel all new players deserve our backing.

The conference...Well short on numbers we went through the agenda, first up was a review of the constitution. The I.A constitution is currently housed in our forum section on the Official eUK forums, all those present were happy that the constitution was up to date and represented the party. Fear not for each month the party conference has a spot dedicated to reviewing our hallowed document so if you do notice something is missing, or wish to amend something then your platform is at the next conference on April 1st 2013.

Next we took the unique step of becoming the first known party in the entire game...especially in the eUK...to change the system of selecting our congress candidates. As you are aware this is purely the domain of the party president, but we at the Independent Alliance believe that this should be down to you as this is a party for the people, created by the people and run by the people. So accordingly we would like to proudly announce that if we are fortunate enough to run with a top five party for April's congress elections then our candidate will be selected by ballot from those who throw their names into the hat. The system we will use is a points based system where you rate candidates on points - 5points for your preferred candidate and 4pts for your second choice candidate etc etc...the I.A candidate(s) with the top scores will be chosen to represent the party.

We talk of being democratic but we are proud to demonstrate that our actions speak louder than our words.

Next we elected our party officers, again this is something unique within the eUk and we are very proud to say that. Obviously the party president position is up for ballot on the 15th of each month so we move swiftly onto the position of spokesman. Our members were proud to elect Matthew.Cox - Matthew is new to eRepublik bu already has demonstrated a hunger for development and learning. Some of you may have already participated in his poll for this months CP election, which is quite a feat when you have only been playing for 24 hours. You can view Matthews poll results here. We are proud that Matthew has benefited from our Independent Alliance media fund, details of which will be below.

Prince Andrei was re-elected party Councillor and we look forward to another great month from him, I would also like to personally thank him again for recording the logs for our conference.

BaskB was successfully elected as party Secretary General, and we are proud to announce BaskB has already shown a great appetite for serving the eUK.

Klurr was again re-elected Vice President and we look forward to another month of very public activity from competitions through to articles from her.

Our party also elected our forum moderators last night...yes we elect everything! and Hugh and Klurr were asked to continue and develop our forum section. These moderator positions will be open to election on a monthly basis as with all positions within the Independent Alliance.

It's been a great first month and we have seen our membership grow from 2 members to 25 already, as well as breaching the eUK's top ten. Already we have implemented brilliant schemes from the media fund to planting the seeds of democracy within our party making us THE party of the people.

In the next 24 hours there will be numerous threads written in our forum section of the eUK national forums, these will include policy discussions and polls...these are vital for us to develop policies further and your input as members is vitally important. We are aware some are skeptical of forum participation but we assure you this section is only viewable to ourselves and is only moderated by ourselves, so you have nothing to fear.

Finally from the conference we voted on a new avatar, which may we add is optional for all members. However if you wish to display one then contact me HERE and tell me what image you would like in your avatar.

Thank you to all who attended last night and our next conference will be on April 1st at 8pm so please try and make it.

The Independent Alliance are proud to announce that our media fund is well up and running and is nearing it's first month in operation. Not already have a newspaper? Saving your gold for training ground updates? Well even if you don't have any then we will fund anyone within the party so you can buy your own newspaper without using your own valuable resources. The content is completely down to you so do not feel you have to produce party material, there is literally no catch. The content is 100% completely down to you and you alone, and once you have published an article feel free to publicise it in the Alliance news feed and we will help vote it op and re-shout it.

So why wait? Contact Klurr...IT'S FREE!!!

So join the Independent Alliance today and don't be a lone voice amongst the many, afterall sometimes helping to build something from the foundations is more rewarding than turning up at the end. We pride ourselves on creating a completely open and democratic party where every member is equal, regardless of experience, regardless of rank because the Independent Alliance is a party of the people, for the people, run by the people. Unbiased, unmoving and progressive.

If you are level 29 and below you are entitled to free food from the government, you can apply here NHS APPLICATION by filling out the very simple form. The NHS scheme has no conditions and is open to all new players so please apply as every bit of help is important in your early career of eRepublik.