We Can; Can-Am!

Day 1,701, 21:30 Published in USA USA by Mr. Booboo Kittybottoms

First things first, some mood music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYScOqq3oBQ

An Introduction

As a player who has been pretty out of the loop until recently, I have to say that this is an exciting time to be an American. Coming back to paying attention here, I couldn’t help but chuckle at the many anti-Canada shouts and articles by Emerick because lolCanada. Some people disagree with that, but I don’t see how a person so ferociously attacking our country’s hat can not be funny.

Then shizz got real when the public starting spouting out the news of Canada’s natural enemy proposal against America. Some people seemed upset by it, others confused. Personally, I was excited about it. Especially so when our own President, Evry, responded with a natural enemy proposal of his/her own targeting Canada. Funny part of the story is that Canada’s NE proposal ended up being voted down, while ours was quickly approved. Don’t worry though, Canada is trying again and it appears to be getting voted super-yes.

I’m sure you have all read the other articles about this stuff already, but I figured a recap couldn’t hurt. Now:

Getting to Business
In a recent article, GloveIsLove stated that the original NE proposal from Canada was a bit of a bribed deal, with one Canadian congressman making a whopping fifty grand. It’s funny that such a thing could happen and cause such a split between the American people. So many are for the war, while so many others are totally disgusted by the idea of it. If you ask me, that congressman will need that fifty grand to fight us Americans off.

I imagine something like this.

As I understand it, America is having some alliance difficulties. Something about a failed attempted alliance with Poland, which probably also means some kind of poor relations with our current situation. Yet everybody is declaring a Canadian war as unjust and bad for our MPP stack. We are a much larger country than Canada though, which makes me think that most countries would rather keep us on their side in the case of a skirmish. Sure, not all will, or maybe even none will, but it is a point I wanted to get out there. We have the bigger stick, and these days countries are all about other country's big sticks.

I would also like to state that a Can-Am war has been yearned for by many for quite some time now. Add to that the fact that the wheels have most definitely been set in motion, and we have ourselves a situation that really just shouldn’t be avoided. There is too much tension to just try to blow this off as nothing and expect everything to be okay. If it doesn’t happen now, it will certainly happen a month from now, or six months from now, or even a year. The point is that it’s unavoidable. Besides, if it happens like most other American wars I have experienced, then we will just attack them for a couple weeks, take most of their territories, then talk peace and give them all back. Who knows, maybe after that our relations will be better than ever! And if not, we move on and start something else, because that is the American way.

In Closing
In closing, I just want to state that I did not intend to sound like such a dick when I started this article. I feel like it is a very important topic though, and I wanted to get my viewpoint out there because I really want to see this war happen (in case you couldn’t tell). I trust that Americans will be able to work this out without ripping each other’s throats out, but I think it should end with a lot of blood spilled everywhere. Canadian blood. Because we will destroy them.

Only these three men will be spared.

Please vote and shout if you agree!
“We Can; Can-Am! http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/we-can-can-am--2083837/1/20