Want to help the Welcoming Committee?

Day 557, 11:07 Published in USA USA by Welcoming Committee

There's two ways you can help:

1) Help with the Welcoming Committee Gift Exchange on the rare days Ligtreb will be gone in the evening. While I am an eRep addict and spend way too much time here, there is the occasional day like tomorrow (Day 55😎 where I will be gone for most of the day.

This only takes a few minutes on the days you're needed, it's really not a big time commitment. I just need someone to re-gift people who send gifts to the Welcoming Committee and send free gifts (and help) to the handful of people who ask for one.

2) Write an article for the Welcoming Committee Times -- I'd like to turn this newspaper into a place to help this society and make people feel more welcome here. I'm being very vague for a reason -- I'm very open to new ideas.

The Welcoming Committee Gift Exchange has gone rather smoothly so far. We probably average 5-6 people a day who send gifts to be given back and 1-2 new people asking for help (and a free gift). There is a lot of room for growth though.

Thank you for reading and supporting the Welcoming Committee,
-- Ligtreb