Wake up Call or; How NE crossed the line

Day 2,065, 09:44 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ayame Crocodile

With the sudden rise of a purely numbers party, ‘Freemasons’, and the declaration of intentions from those within the ‘New Era leadership’ which not only confirmed the generally accepted opinion of them being no less than a New Era puppet party but also the notion of PTO’ing a second puppet party by BigAnt followed with threats of inviting foreign PTO agents into the eUK should they fail to wrestle control of the country. It seems as though I have no choice but to point out exactly what is at stake here.

Maybe just maybe we can wake up some of these newer players, Perhaps we can shake the old guard into life or hell even make those pulling the strings at New Era realise what they are doing is far more destructive towards our community than anything they have ever railed against.

For a little more current info on this and responses from other parties and players these two articles are a great start: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/threat-averted-country-saved--2291807/1/20

However I don’t feel they go into enough depth about this issue and aren’t showing the full extent of the problem and areas this could affect.

If it wasn’t already clear the Freemasons are nothing more than a puppet for New Era, They have no policies beyond recruiting and having the ultimate goal of getting more congress seats for New Era. The huge issues with this I’ll address a bit later on.

The true irony that they are named the ‘Freemasons’, is best savoured once you realise how they are anything but Free.

Every decision made within the Freemasons, Every possible piece of legislation that a Freemason congress person is asked to vote or propose, Every single thing about the Freemasons is done solely for the benefit of New Era.

There’s two major problems with this for new players who are unwittingly recruited by the Freemasons.

The first is the fact that they will never be allowed their own opinion, so long as that opinion differs to the few controlling New Era then they will be shunned and kept from congress. The number one overriding concern for those in charge of the Freemasons is that their congress candidates list is filled with the most malleable and obedient servants.

Secondly New Era and BigAnt especially are renowned for ‘numbers before people’ type recruiting. They offer everything, give a sirens call for members in their mass messaging and even take to some rather cheap tactics to recruit offsite.

This draws in a lot of new players who haven’t had a chance to get to know the landscape, A helping hand offering supplies and informing you that by joining them you can help turn over a dastardly elite who are hurting everyone is quite enticing for the unknowing. Problem is it’s all a charade.

And the saddest part about it is that new players then go on to die in New Era/Freemasons without ever getting the chance to experience the community or a party that wants to help them progress rather than seeing it the other way around.

Think for a second about how many New Era members you can name who have risen up out of NE after being helped and given encouragement to get involved further...

Now numbers are important, we know this, But they aren’t the be all and end all. If all you have is a desire to find numbers and wrestle control, then you just don’t get this game.

As is said over and over and over the real joy of eRepublik is in the sense of community. Attack that community and you’re going to find yourselves ostracised.

I know this article is already getting a bit lengthy but this is the main point I wanted to get to and the one that so many seem to have overlooked.

Having admitted that the Freemasons were created and brought to the Top 5 for the sole purpose of getting more seats for New Era, and I would like to add not by any legitimate means but by blocking out other parties (some of which were friendly with New Era),.

It’s clear that NE have accepted they can’t garner popular support, They have conceded that to go the honest route of putting forward a candidate and set of policies that could win a CP election isn’t viable.

And herein lies the biggest issue which has been overlooked by almost everyone.

New Era/Freemasons are trying to circumvent democracy

If you don’t believe me look back at the last 4 or 5 CP elections, In every single one a New Era candidate came second. Now should New Era have had a majority in congress at any of those times, I think it’s fair to say they would’ve proposed an impeachment of the President.

Now if this wasn’t the idea for having more NE puppets within the top 5 then what is the desire for them all about?

Put simply New Era are attempting to PTO the eUK by way of blocking other parties from the Top 5 and to avoid the need to actually elect Presidents.

There will be no point to CP elections anymore, We will know all too well what the eventual outcome will be once the elite few of New Era pass their impeachments through congress days after we vote in a new president.

The Country President election is the only election we now have left in eRepublik where we vote for an individual not a party. It's the only truly democratic and popular election here. And to see that taken away by a small clique of overly invested power hungry players would be devastating.

If you want a CP, if you want to have some form of power. Then the answer isn't to threaten bringing foreign PTO'ers, It isn't to circumvent the popular vote, It's to spend less time recruiting and more time teaching new players and helping them grow into being a viable candidate.

ps. Wasn’t sure how to end this article, I figured I’d just make a sudden stop. I look forward to rebuttals though :3