Vote Balls for MOO. MOO Balls.

Day 2,123, 07:51 Published in Canada Canada by Sal T. Balls

Salutations comrades,

Since I don't see much activity from the Ministry of Opportunity, I'll be running for its President.

I guess I won't be stepping any toes running for/the Canada's smallest party.


- Try to show Canada a lighter side of politics
- Change its name to Shenanigans Party
- Change its official orientation to Far-left, Anarchist (don't ask me)
- Generally having and giving its members a good time
- Launch aggressive one-liner campaigns
- All in all trying to be the very best, like no one ever was

If you believe I can do it, vote for me next Sunday.

I would also like to thank my previous party, CPF, for a generally great time. I've learned a lot from you guys and gals. Best of luck.

Best regards,
MOO's Balls