Victorious Surrender and Congress

Day 2,161, 13:04 Published in USA USA by Franklin Stone
:adjusting tin hat:
:touching mike to cause a squelching noise:

Could I get a Hooker up here, please?

Thank you and greetings to all American citizens. Today I am here to announce that We The People would appreciate your vote for Congress. It is my humble pleasure to have been asked to run for a seat to represent the WTP, a party dedicated to retaining new citizens in the dark and boring early days of eRepublik; helping them to grow into fighting machines.

Easy Company Military Unit (EZC)

IMHABO, Easy Company personifies what it is to fight for America. When I say that most citizens believe that I mean in the interest of America and I do, that doesn’t mean that every battle or every campaign will be fought on American soil. It does mean that I expect my Allies and my Brothers around the world to show up when it is American soil to be contested, it is also my opinion that is exactly opposite what happened during the recent conflicts and because of it a surrender has been forced upon America. I don’t have to like it, but I must live with it; for now. Easy Company accepts new citizens with open arms, offering Commune work at the highest wages in America, they offer new citizens guidance in how to grow into a formidable fighting machine; and they offer a forum where they may ask the same question for the one thousandth time and receive a civil answer from an Easy soldier -they also offer IRC.

We The People

For me it is the freedom of speech afforded ‘tin foil hatters’ like me that drew me to the party, my ideas may be off the wall entirely; but maybe just maybe my hair brained idea will spark a good idea or inspire a new citizen to join in and ask questions without fear of reprisal. We The People can even boast about our member 6 (or is it 7) time President Oblige -who IMO had a great deal of input into this treaty, excellent Party Presidents like our current President Mazzy Cat and Techies such as Mike Ontry. There are many citizens who I can not even name who joined and built the WTP from a stopgap party to block RGR’s AFA party to it’s current stature in America.

There is Unity in Community

Mostly it is the ‘community’ of citizens who populate Easy Company and We The People, they are all hard working, caring citizen whose only goal is to retain new citizens and to entice old active American expatriates to return. The only way to do that is for the American government to show their citizens that they care about them. In short they are citizen with morals, they are citizens who try to live a moralistic life within the confines of a corrupt ‘meta game government’; a government contained totally outside eRepublik.

The USAF on Parade

Let me make it clear that I am not advocating that Easy Company or any other Military Unit (MU) attempt such a thing, but...

eRepublik has obviously become strictly a war game. Damage is king. Currently damage is dominated in game by alliances. The most dominant ones being The World Order (TWO) and Circle of Trust (CoT). As everyone knows it has been shown that TWO out guns CoT by 2:1. So my question is this, ‘Do we not presently live under a military dictatorship and if we do should not the military be in control of...?'

Anything asked after that is and should be considered treason. However, currently the ‘meta government’ is controlling American politics by controlling America's damage; by controlling the 6 Military Units (eUS Civilian Mu, Flight Training, Air Force, Rogue Squadron, Special Forces, Ultramarines) of our National Army -the United States Armed Forces (USAF)- whose Communes are privately owned and are all offshore avoiding taxes. When does such military control become a dictatorship?

Because this National Army is a bloated mess of 6 MUs it is falling apart, twice suffering mass defections of it’s Air Force Officer Corp; there have been many calls for defunding the whole of the USAF and rolling 5 of the MUs into the eUS Civilian MU. Presently I am in total support of this except they should all be rolled into Special Forces under the command of the President, a force that is consistently in the Top 5 units.

Circle of Trust

Joining Circle of Trust to me was a terrible mistake. Recently I saw a call for countries like Albania and Croatia, who currently fight alongside America, to join an alliance who America can not herself rely upon. An alliance who in large part contributed to this victorious surrender, not that America did not have it coming for a hugely ignorant Foreign Policy; but because of it we are now yoked with Serbian overlords. Near the end of this one sided conflict CoT Headquarters (HQ) started to pull itself together with leaders like HeapSeppo and began to show signs of coordination, it would therefore be unwise to leave the Alliance; now we must stick it out even if we must go down fighting.

Former President and Foreign Affairs Guru Artela

America needs to mend her Foreign Policy and many citizens like Artela -an x-Brit- have done a brilliant job of negotiating this NAP, considering the mess she was handed by a certain cabal of ‘meta players’; America is in dire need of more such excellent immigrants as her. America can see what the ‘Meta Foreign Policy’ has wrought and it will not be easy changing America’s Foreign Policy and it will be even harder convincing wronged brothers that American Foreign Policy has matured.

American Freedom Alliance

Yesterday Stari Borac, a Serbian Foreign Officer, wrote in his article ‘A start of a new era for eUSA’, that The World Order (TWO) is expecting America to accept the American Freedom Alliance (AFA) and it’s sociopathic leader Ronald Gipper Reagan (RGR) or America will be subject to direct rule by TWO. Since that is never willing going to happen in America how long do you really think Serbia will sit back and let America build her armies? The American ‘meta government’ has spent over a year fighting against RGR, those very same leaders -all of whom were trained at the ‘Henry Pfeiffer Arundel School of Politics’- have signed a document of surrender that virtually assures Ronald Gipper Reagan will shortly be sitting in the White House.

I'm just saying...

'What we do in life echoes in eternity.
Strength and honor.'
Maximus Decimus Meridius