Vengeance, America! Vengeance at last!

Day 1,236, 19:14 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi



Were you not aware that Canada has been plotting this day since the end of Nave’s war?

Already secret Canadian militias like Seal Team 6 and the Ultramarines are amassing in Canada for the final blows against your pitiful States that are United. We even hope that our great ally Polandia will join us in this quest for justice older than my participation in this game.

Battle hymn of Soviet Canuckistan

First Portugal, then the United States, then the world!

Soon the God-Emperor Jacobi, he who forced Poland and EDEN to attack the UK at his whim will soon be on your shores.

Some might say that this has nothing to do with the CANAM war at all, but is merely my response to the rejection I have received by your President, and my former bromance partner Emerick.

My love...

These are all lies. Lies by an America soon to taste my our maple syrup flavoured vengeance.

Onward Canada! The time for Canadian World Domination has come!
And for those doubters, who disbelieve the mighty words of your President?

I applaud your ingenuity in the face of overwhelming difficulty