Tyler F Durden In Government?

Day 624, 00:07 Published in Canada Canada by Tyler F Durden

This article is in reference to the CSD Jacobi endorsement article:

"An Amazing Team of Superheros 😛"

See below:


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Firstly, I'd like to give my thoughts on our Great Patriotic War.

We would have been attacked even if the Dali Lama was President.

The eUSA is the jewel which PEACE seeks for it's crown.

You can't beat the eUSA with eCanada right above you...we'd be pesky bees flying around occasionally stinging - and a place where expat eUS citizens could go to counter attack.

We were to be "neutralized", then the push on the eUS could really begin.

We tied our horse to the only wagon around and gave up the reins.
We tagged along under ATLANTIS, and compelled the eFrench to seek protection from constant (albiet insignificant) attacks. We wrecked a couple of their Hospitals and DS'.

Those aren't cheap, eh?

Nope. Nothing could have changed the outcome of this war except superior military acumen
Jacobi didn't devise our military strategy, Fortis heads did. Robert McNamara could have been our MoD and we'd still be in the same position. We just do not have the resources to produce, let alone maintain a constant resistance. I will explain further later.

While we were chasing Cobras, PEACE was amassing their invasion.

We looked away, and got bit in the butt.

Thats how I see it.

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Tyler F Durden has something to say about his preliminary inclusion in the Jacobi Cabinet.

While I am flattered by the confidence of the powers that be, I do not think that my talents would be best utilized in this regard.

Allow me to explain.

Any nincompoop can publish an article such as...


...and respond to those who reply.

I am not some genius for doing this. This OBVIOUSLY needed to be done. I ragged on about it for days, and no one took me seriously -so, in the spirit of Irwin Rommel's famous quote:

"In the absence of orders, go find something and kill it..."

That is exactly what I did.

(BTW, for those who have not the luxury of a fine education, a book of quotes will often suffice).

Up to this minute, I have brought back 145 eCanadians from Occupied Territory. This role should be filled by 2 or perhaps 3 diligent individuals with a few hours a day (complimetary - or staggered hours, not same hours).

It is my humble opinion that my strength is in strategic and tactical planning. Unfortunately my skills are all based on rl situations, and I have come to learn rather quickly that eRep and rl military planning have about as much in common as night and day.

Such a role for me is premature, I will freely admit. There is too much at stake for me to just run in saying, "I can do it, I can do it!"

For weeks before the war (with my now banned previous citizen) I had been calling for a preemptive strike at regions vital to PEACE.

Western Siberia, Karnataka, Western Australia - over 1300 PEACE companies which fund and provide materiel for their war machine. (This is how PEACE is able to produce constant military initiative - see I told you I would explain later)

That is the only place that PEACE is weak. This is to say nothing about the tax base which those regions provide eIndonesia.

Instigate RWs in those regions, and pull PEACE forces away from our primary objective: our front.

We could have pulled eRussians, eAustralians and eIndians (to a lesser extent. A tank division would most likely have to have been placed there quietly) into RWing for their sovereign territory.

This could have been possible with allied support before the citizenship mod took effect on Day 617.

I'm just sayin'...

However, as I have been nominated for the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, I will say that *IF Ontario falls, we have a plan to distribute eCanadian troops in strategic places worldwide. We need to establish little havens with companies to stockpile arms and gifts. In WWII, the Germans had plans for post-defeat guerilla warfare, calle😛 "Operation: Werwolf"

See---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werwolf

While it is widely believed to not have gotten into active stages, the overall plan was sound.

What we need to bear in mind is this:

eCanada can exist wherever eCanadians are. We are eCanada, not the provinces.

If there is no plan, I want free reign to devise and execute such a plan. (I already have a plan, but I want assurance that I will not just be a civil servant, sayin: "Yessuh Boss, I busted up that Chifferobe like you done asked me to".)

I will remain politically neutral. I am not a member of any party, and I will ask that I not be pressured to stray from my political philosophy - which is not currently represented in eCanadian politics.


Never really got into all that. I will respond to PMs, and have strategies for communicating in real time in eRepublik without enemy detection. Besides, the IRC security is likely compromised by now anyways.

I ask a lot, I know.

But I also know what I can offer - and that is more than firing Moving Tickets about.

There it stands.

I await your wrath.

I am Jack's smirking revenge...
