Turkey in ONE

Day 1,458, 13:33 Published in Serbia Brazil by Dio Jazar
Our fictional story start on some fictional day, a day when a fictional country named Spain said no to their masters from the gang called ONE, they wouldnt accept turkey inside the gang, so an official statement was released.

Turks sent an answer to this statement, and this was ONE reaction:


Months passed, holy books were "maculated"... Kosovo ,rightfully, turned Serbian (or I should say remained?)... Brazil entered in the Indonesian Java.... I got a temp ban and etc...

Lets put a song here

Pic of brave turks INCI

Mistreated by both sides Turks show their strengh to the three game alliances, they did show that they were not ONE, proONE, puppetONE, Terra, EDEN or Neutral... they were proud Turks!

Were..... so our short story/chat begin

ONE/Iain Keers: You will find that I am kind. Unlike the cruel INCI, who demanded that you stand...I require only that you kneel, and do me a b....


ONE/Iain Keers: so, wut u say brow?


ONE/Iain Keers: we are friends for long time, etc since BETA... PEACE, PHX etc...


ONE/Iain Keers: Come on, im a busy man if I wanted to check some ugly face I could visit MarginalDefeat facebook

Teknik: You have my sword!

after it some fgt shouted bout having its bow, axe and etc... etc..and about Iain "ring"... but this is for other story.

Btw, Lets welcome Indonesia to ONE \o/ you are multies but are welcome here \o/ I´ve heard Ostin is running for SC \o/ out of here b4 Iain Bronco/Donnie Keers is scum articles \o/.


btw, feel liek sharing cute pic of ONE of my new dawgs