
Day 1,748, 15:43 Published in USA USA by Twon2012

This battle order from the Department of Citizen Orders is the worst idea I've ever heard to fight against the eUSA in the areas that we fought hard to get. So what the heck are we doing fighting against the eUSA? Well simply because the DoD is committing actual treason as ratified in the constitution on the United States. "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court." U.S constitution Article 3 Section 3 states that what they are doing is treason... the definition is "treason n the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war Source: NMW" And most simply why would we support treason and to let everyone who followed those orders you are guilty of treason as well which usually ends with exile from the country at least but usually ends in real life anyway by hanging of the person committing the crime against their country. Don't fight for what we fought for so much for. This is not to mention the "PRESIDENT?" that's right it says that the orders are by our president yes that's right the idiot who lost the election and doesn't deserve to be there is telling us to fight against ourselves? He is a criminal and an idiot he knows little about anything doesn't help the economy, fights against you, and commits crimes against us which is punishable by death. So please Do not fight against the eUSA because if you live here in the greatest nation you are committing a crime therefor our president should be impeached because Glove would of never of done this the impeachment was a way to get back at Glove because people in congress were mad that Civil Anarchy did not win they are sore losers and Civil Anarchy is a criminal looking for 15 minutes of fame.
