Transmitted from the Front.

Day 606, 04:22 Published in USA USA by Symrstar

Sorry for the slight delay: I've a good reason. I've been Ruskie hunting.

To all nationalists one and all,

You ask yourself what do we see in our world. PEACE and tyranny. Ironically both are the same for us. True tyranny is that which extinguishes liberty, as the nations of PEACE do. A defensive coalition my a..

censors. But I digress.

I have recently been elected to lead our cause of American Nationalism, the true defense of liberty. To those who refuse to let others live by their own accord, entrust that one day we'll crack a smile to the lamentations of your women and children.

You ask yourself. What can I do to make America great. Well first and foremost, get involved in your political party. Find something to do. Even if its chatting with other members randomly. Get to know them, get to know whats going on in the erep world. Use other means of communication other than erep. its encouraged. IM, IRC, podcasts, hell, even skype for a few folks.

Second. Enlist. We are at war. If you do not fight your a coward. If you have no weapons use your fists, or log onto the IRC chat room and ask someone from the party. We may or may not have people on, so that's another reason to get to know folks damn it! Again, I digress.

Now that I have your undivided attention, hopefully. Those c.... j..... ... seriously I can't say that. Well those PEACEnicks are infamous for their PTO. For the shrubs who don't know what a PTO, its Political Take Over. They infiltrate people into countries to win elections, to effectively take over the country.

It has been proposed, there was some changes made on behest of our party. First a Sunset Date. The accord will last no longer than this one election. Second, the original draft demanded direct obedience, something a true accord should never do. People should always be allowed to choose, the very core of American Nationalism. Hopefully we can resolve this issue with PEACE before the next set of elections. This document shames me. However, I recognize what it has to offer. As long as this doesn't become common place, we will continue to have our true liberties.

The Nationalist Party backs this accord as long as the version presented to us for signature, remains mostly what I saw of the draft when talking with its author.

Its not all bad folks. It gives us the opportunity to truly focus on what is important. 1) Fight like a savage tool using mammal in our war. 2) STUDY WHO YOUR GOING TO BE VOTING FOR NEXT MONTH. Its a lesson. Learn it. Process it. Store it.

Elections are force. However, as it is easy to betray one person, in our government its possible to have traitors. Hell can happen in the military. There is no end to the bad juju that could unleash.

What we must do is wake the f... up and pay attention to who we vote for.

Long live the meritocracy and liberty to all,
General Symrstar (ret.)
Chairman of the Nationalist Party

P.S.: Good Hunting
