We must not stand by.

Day 604, 12:01 Published in USA USA by Zcia

I write this article honestly sad about the state of American politics and the direction in which we have moved. Many of you might not know who I am and are likely confused as to how I was elected as the USWP PP. The reason for that is simple. I have played this game as a party man. All my effort and work was largely directed inward towards the USWP and in doing so I am largely unknown out side of that community. I still am a party man but I know what the USWP and EVERY other party in the eUS should be trying for and that is a better America. I refuse to let my party get in the way of American success.

America, at this moment, stands at a crossroads. We are under attack, our allies are under attack, and this war will not stop for us to figure out which party “best serves” American interests.

Josh Frost put it well:

“Essentially the risk of a PTO in Canada or another one of our stronger allies is very high. We need to have a Anti-PTO force in this country of at least 500 citizen volunteers to help our allies out come election day. If we were to lose Canada to a PTO there would be absolutely no way for the United States to survive. That isn't speculation, that is pure fact. Canada's economy would be destroyed and their territories surrendered. We would be literally surrounded by PEACE in all four directions and having to wage 2 or 3 wars a day. No nation can sustain that type of warfare for that long. Our resources would be depleted and we would be conquered.”

I want to make this clear. The congressional freeze was an idea I created and have strongly advocated for since the opening of what can now be referred to as a World War. The plan itself is simple yet many people refuse to listen long enough to find out what is happening.

The plan is simple. The people of America elected a congress last month. That congress produced a certain party distribution. We propose to maintain that distribution allowing each party to maintain its seats and choose who fills them based on their own party procedure. All candidates, excluding other PPs, will be run under the USWP and a national slate will be formed. This will free up voters, end the need for damaging and counter-productive national campaigns, and give the eUSAF the membership boost it needs.

Lets dispel a few myths.

1. This won’t let non incumbents into congress: Who gets run is entirely up to the parties and subsequently they can run new congressmen in any of their allocated states. I can guarantees the USWP will not be returning all of its incumbents.

2. It gives the PPs too much power: The PPs have always had the right to decide which candidates represent their party and several programs were established to prevent candidates from facing true competition in races. The term blocker refers to such a person and has been a part of national politics since I joined this game.

3. This is a violation of democracy: I agree this is a step away from pure democracy, however this is not non-democratic. The PPs are elected by the people in a monthly election. Last months results were a product of pure democracy. Parties have the right to perform internal primaries, I know the USWP plans to, in order to fill their allotted seats.

4. This screws non top 5 parties: This plan is in all likelihood most beneficial for these parties. The USWP is giving away three of its seats to non top 5 parties to allow them a senator to replace the lost chance at an election. In addition the SFP and RP will maintain the seats they won in the last election meaning that under the freeze we would have the most diverse congress I have ever seen.

5. The UIP will be targeted for their refusal: This question needs to be answered in two parts. First, the UIP will not be targeted under this plan if the USWP has anything to do with it, and we do. Their seats will be held open for them. However the respect I had for their leadership is gone and it will not be regained quickly. The UIP representative left our conference saying they needed 24 hours to think it over. They then published what was a still un-approved plan without allowing any possibility for us to create reform to meet their requirements. I can’t fathom the audacity required to publish a public refusal for a plan which hadn’t even been made official yet. The chance they had to change this proposal has now passed. Though their allocation will be maintained I ask them to sincerely question their decision.


Eamerica must make a decision. Will we unify and do all we can to fight this coming war or will we continue to divide ourselves in ceaseless conflict. I and the advocates of this plan are not Fascists, we are not fear mongers, and we don’t hate freedom. We recognize that parties should not fight parties when there are others to fight, we realize that America can be complacent no longer, we realize that in this war we must make decisions and I chose to abandon partisanship, fanaticism, and fear in favor of a unified America.