Three Years Too Many

Day 1,264, 23:47 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

First off, happy 3rd birthday to me.

So, I'm going to make this as concise as possible. My original plan was to make a really butthurt rage-quit article, but after Kilgore stole my idea, I needed a plan B.

My Plan B involves quitting this crappy game without actually quitting. You see, we now have a sexy beast as our CP and I would hate to miss what is sure to be a glorious month... or 8 months. It was worth him winning just to watch the psuedo-anarchists at MOO crap their boxers at a victory that wouldn't have been possible without them. But, I digress.

So, the point is, I am leaving this game... sort of. I can't seem to ever be able to rage-quit with a bang, so I'm going to fade out like I usually do and hope it will be permanent this time. Meanwhile, I am dropping my official duties (whatever they may be- I'm not sure if I technically have a position anywhere anymore) and, instead, will be acting as Kazuo Leblanc's adviser and confidant: I know his deepest secrets- PM me for a free sample or call toll free 1-800-KAZUO-LIKES-TO-DO-THINGS-WITH-MONKEYS and receive the full collection for only 2.99gold (roughly 5,600,000CAD). Call in the next 30 minutes and receive the 2012 Jacobi Swimsuit Calendar absolutely free of charge!

Thought it was about time for a picture.

Anyways, here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

Are you actually quitting? You seem to have a hard time doing so.

Don't doubt my quitting abilities. Once I stop secretly pulling the government's strings, I'm done.

Why should I care about you? Isn't this article just a gigantic waste of space?

Yes. Yes, it is.

Why are you quitting?

When you play a browser game for 3 years, some nostalgia is inevitable. When the admins of said browser games do everything in their ability to make the game progressively worse, the question "why would you play such a game?" comes to mind. Well, I've always justified it by invoking the community. Quite frankly, the community nowadays is significantly weaker than what it used to be. Without going into personal attacks, I'm just going to say that the game mechanics are poor, the community is now poor and there are few redeeming qualities to eRepublik when you come right down to it. (see, that was the rage part)

You seem to be implying that you're not really quitting immediately. Are you?

Nobody said I have to be consistent or make sense. It's just how I roll. That is simply the manner in which I function.

When is the party celebrating your departure?

Tomorrow, 10pm, Addy Lawrence's house. BYOB

Is it true you have an enormous penis?

Hehe. I can't count how many times I have received a PM asking this question. Almost as many times as there are orgs I have access to. The answer is: ask Scorpius.

Can I have your stuff?

No. Go to hell.

In conclusion, I am quitting, but not really. I will quit fully once I feel like it. Also, it's my 3rd e-birthday- celebrate.

More importantly, I hate each and every one of you. Especially Artorius Perim... thief.
