eCanada is a Horrible Place and I am Done with eRep

Day 1,262, 11:07 Published in Canada Canada by Kilgore Trout 89

Dear eCanada,

It’s been almost two full years since I started playing here and I’m done now. These last few weeks have been a ridiculous spree of nonsense and I’m finished with you. Before I go out, I have some strongly worded things to say to people. So let’s get started shall we?

Seriously? I spent 3 months solid having Rolo Tahmassee put up attack ads against me, insulting me laced with profanity. I reported them on a regular basis and he didn’t get so much as forfeit points. Yet I put up an article identifying some serious problems with the community and you’re going to give me forfeit points even though my article makes it abundantly clear that I’m leaving the game anyways? Why don’t you focus on dealing with the economic module and leave your customers alone to vent their frustrations. I’ve edited down this article so that there are no direct insults or profanity. This is important for the community to hear. Leave it be.

To TemujinBC and TCO:
I spend over a year working every day to make TCO a better place and then because I speak out against Rolo Tahmasee, TemujinBC sees fit to declare me a traitor to TCO, ban me from the irc AND the forum and erase any record that I ever did anything for TCO. Guess what? I started your Military Academy, I personally trained most of your commanding officers, I was the TCO Commander and was in charge of all FIVE BRANCHES (that’s right, there were five at the time) and I was one of the leaders of your little PTO attempt in South Africa. That’s right, TCO attempted a full scale PTO of South Africa because they were sick of the eCanadian government. In any case, Tem and I had a personal falling out and he decided to use his influence within TCO to turn me into a laughing stock. Because of your glorious leader, I can’t PM noobs without getting responses like “F### you, TCO says you’re a weasel and an arsehole”. I cannot imagine what kind of repressed individual you are that you get a kick out of ruining on online game for someone. I hope you eventually grow up.

Regarding the CEP
Bruck and I started the Second Canadian Empire Party as a way to reach out to new players and get more people involved. This worked incredibly well for a time. Once we had worked together to push the party up above 100 members and to deal with the Octavian_F crisis, I took the opportunity to pass the party leadership off for a while and focus on my real life for a while. This was clearly a huge mistake because this is when Rolo stepped into power and pulled off his infamous theft of government money. When I spoke out against it, much like TCO, I got pushed out of the CEP. This was back when citizen ads were still implemented. I spent 3 weeks with Rolo using his stolen money to pay for non-stop anti-Kilgore ads. Not the usual political stuff you see now, but vehement, profane bullcrap. Again, Rolo/Alastar, I really pity you for being the kind of people who still to this day have nothing better to do that get your jollies trolling people on the internet. It’s really sad that you devote so much time to making other people miserable.

To Muglack and the MDP
Guess what? Some of us have real lives and don’t have the time to be on irc all day long. Your party will never grow and will only continue to lower in activity if you continue to ignore the people who find it easier to use the forums. Why did I support another candidate for CP? Because I had actually heard from him. Why the hell would I support someone who has been in charge of a party for two months but who as a party member, I have not once heard from? I’m not the only person in the MDP who doesn’t use irc. If ANYBODY wants to PTO the MDP, I have some advice for you. Just PM the party members first, offer them some food (because that’s how I recruited them all to the party) and make sure to keep talking to them throughout the campaign. In the first 3 weeks that I was an MDP member, I recruited 80 people to the party just by sending them a PM and asking them to join and sending them some food. At least some of them know who I am. I’m guessing most of them voted Muglack because he was the only name on the ballot. Muglack, you don’t have the overwhelming support you think you do and you had better make sure that nobody else wants your party. Furthermore, I hope you lose in your bid for CP. What kind of leader kicks somebody out of their party for disagreeing with them? That’s pathetic. You are that insecure in your leadership that as soon as somebody with a tiny public profile endorses another candidate you fly off the deep end and kick them out. BTW, I helped your forums out. They were so lonely that they were trying to off themselves so I figured I’d give them a little push.

I spend days working with the courts and the government to make sure that you didn’t have to spend another 6-weeks banned from the eCan forums. Like I’ve said before, none of us were just sitting around the forums all day waiting for your money so we could welcome you back to the forum with open arms and a marching band. Most of us who you describe as “f###ing roleplay narcs” have jobs, university classes and lives outside of eRep that we rank as more important than your forum masking. Given how long things take in this game, I thought 3 days was a pretty decent time to wade through the game of PM tag that was required to get your masking back. And, when the courts suggested that they hadn’t made a formal ruling, I came to your defense, issued a bail so you could keep your masks AND ORDERED the court to let you get off. Yet for some reason you saw it necessary to insult me and act like a spoiled rich girl. Then you wonder why, after you start treating everyone like a pile of turds that I change my mind and argue for you to stay banned. Word of advice, if you want somebody to help you out, don’t start a PM with the words “hey F###er”.

In Conclusion
Bruck, MichaelDowning, Duke of Bruno, Dycey Farley, Kazuo Leblanc, Olivermellors, Chochi, Acacia Mason, Addy Lawrence, Plugson, Kevin Cooper, Grimstone, Fhaemita Malodorus and everybody working in one of my companies; you guys are awesome, never change. Sadly, most of you are eDead or like me, pushed to the fringes of the eCommunity. eCanada has become a horrible, horrible place where trolls and arseholes dominate and are able to erase the contributions and enjoyment of anybody they don’t like. This game has become absolutely no fun for me because every day, one ass or another has flamed my inbox or gone out of their way to make new players hate me. Enough of you have decided that you don’t like me that you have made this game a horrible, horrible experience and I cannot derive a single ounce of fun out of anything anymore. As such, I am done. Goodbye.