Thoughts on the Future of South Africa

Day 1,211, 01:43 Published in South Africa South Africa by Shiloh DeGreat

It's been a while since I've done a serious article. Recently my thoughts have been turning over this subject, so I figured it would not only be something interesting to write, but also relevant to South Africans and other subscribers.

My fellow South Africans,

Last month, our president Krimpiekat announced that he would begin negotiations with Brazil. In the very same article, he bluntly posted in the comments that he did not fully trust Brazil and still held a grudge, though was willing to overcome hard feelings for peace.

Since then, Krimpiekat participated in activities frowned upon by the Admin and suffered the consequence. That left South Africa without a President for the remainder of the term. Negotiations were presumably halted.

Skip forward a few days, and now we have an CP who ran unopposed. With our focus diverted after the fiasco that occurred recently, it seems a bit difficult to return to business as usual. Furthermore, South Africa is at a fork. A fork that has one road toward NWO and the other towards PANAM.

That seems to be the question South Africa is facing. The two factions are at war, and it is expected that Poland will be invading Brazil in the near future. So what do we do? Hopefully this article will provide some insightful info on the pros and cons of each faction.

First of all, no faction seems to be interested in letting eSA in its doors. Not too hard to believe, we're a small nation that's relatively poor. I could go into further detail on what lengths some factions have gone through, but I'm not sure what's considered classified. Suffice to say, both factions have either rejected eSA completely or only show interest in using eSA for its own gains.

That being said, not all nations reject eSA. As of right now, we have more MPPs in NWO than PANAM. Poland and Spain have gone great lengths to assist us, such as paying the costs for MPPs, and that alone wins the favor of many South Africans. To my knowledge, no PANAM nation has actively sought an MPP from South Africa, and I'm assuming South Africa either can't afford or has been rejected of an MPP from PANAM countries. A point worth mentioning is that eSA has close ties with the eUSA military, seeing how many eSA citizens join Airborne or Marines or SEALs.

With no apparent connections to PANAM, at first glance it would be better to align more towards NWO. But there's another problem.

Those pink regions. They're owned by Brazil. Brazil is a member of PANAM. If we show more favoritism towards NWO, we can say goodbye to freeing those regions any time soon. Even if NWO turned all its attention towards liberating South Africa, it's entirely probable that the regions would not be freed. So what are our options? Well, if we propose peace like Krimpie did, there's a chance we could make a deal where Brazil pays rent for these regions. This would bring much-needed revenue to the country and definitely win favor for PANAM in the eyes of South Africans. And Brazil hasn't rejected South African negotiations. When this month's congressional terms first started, a rogue congressman proposed South Africa as a Natural Enemy. Both Brazil and South Africa were able to cancel their respective NE proposals. This shows some form of cooperation. Furthermore, with Poland breathing down their necks, Brazil would more than likely dislike having a pro-NWO nation at its coast. If there were a time to negotiate, it would be now.

So where does eSA go from here? So far, our alliances with Spain and Poland have offered little, though a peace treaty with Brazil could allow revenue from rented regions. At the same time Spain and Poland are much more interested in eSouth Africa than Brazil appears to be, seeing how they're helping to pay MPP costs. Then there's also the chance of Brazil, the long-time enemy of South Africa, breaking their end of the deal.

South Africa is a small nation. However, what we can offer is still valuable. I hope that other nations will see this, and I hope that our government will have the prudence to make decisions that will not betray the integrity of South Africa or turn it into a puppet of larger nations. There's a difference between mutualism and parasitism.

tl;dr ramble ramble it's 4 AM ramble ramble.