Theocratic Welfare system updated

Day 467, 08:06 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Nation

This is the time of our important changes in the organization of Theocratic Nation. As you already know we just made the economy reform (started 3 days ago) and also created our welfare system. Working on the welfare system we noticed some strange things like workers that don’t work dayly, workers that don’t eat dayly or just suspect people.
We can't allow that kind of things, anymore. So we introduce, starting on tomorrow, a little change in our welfare system. The split in 2 section is always active, but there are some changes in the way you will be gifted.
The priority is still on the workers of the gift section of our companies. This is done to increase the gifts available to gift our workers.
For this reason I would invite everyone to wait some hours before work to give use the canche to increase your wellness and your productivity as well.

So, the new rules that every employee must follow to be eligible to earn gifts are:
• Buy food
• Work every day
• Work for a Theocratic Company
• Who wants to be part of the welfare system and receive gits every day MUST send a message to the org: Swiss Nation ( and request and ask to be inserted on the welfare system.

If we notice that a employee is not going to eat will not be gifted.
If you didn't work the day before, you will not be gifted on present day.
If someone leave the company or the country, without asking permission will be cut of from welfare system.

Offers in our human resource market will be posted at 15 chf. This is not a problem for you all, because your wage will be rearranged according with the terms discussed here: asap.

The last, but very important thing, is for you all to join our irc channel. Here we can discuss about our project, you can take any information you need and there’ll be always someone for giving you suggestions, or rearrange your salary if you are a new employee. So, come on, join us on #theocratic_diplomacy channel on freenode server.

If you don't know how to use IRC you can use mibbit and reach us on our channel by clicking this link:

This is necessary to let our system to be the most efficient possible.
