Theocratic Forces

Day 465, 08:36 Published in Switzerland Poland by MaZzA

Following what explained in a previous article, today 4 ORGs have been create😛

Theocratic Army Alpha Forces
Theocratic Army Beta Forces
Theocratic Army Gamma Forces
Theocratic Army Delta Forces

Soldiers are grouped within those special forces according to their power (strength times their rank multiplier), using the following schema:

Rank Multipliers:
1.2 Private
1.4 Corporal
1.6 Sergeant
1.8 Lieutenant
2.0 Captain
2.2 Colonel
2.4 General
2.6 Field Marshal

Alpha Forces: Soldiers with power greater than 25
Beta Forces: Soldiers with power between 20 and 25
Gamma Forces: Soldiers with power between 15 and 20
Delta Forces: Soldiers with power less than 15

Each Soldiers will receive a Friendship request by his Division.
Each Soldiers will be followed day by day in its military improvement an😛
- relocated if required (because his power is growing)
- gifted daily by the Welfare system

Special instruction will be send via PM.

I would like to remember that to be part of the Army you must follows the rules listed in this article:

And that you should work in a Theocratic company, within the business model explained in the follows article:

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