The United States Today: In 2 Minutes or Less

Day 866, 22:04 Published in USA USA by Mr. Hyphenated
Publishe😛 22:00 ERT on April 4 2010 - Day 866

Military|Politics|Community|Glossary of Terms
Ice Cream Edition!

Military Maneuvers
Australia back on the offensive

-Australia is back on the offensive again! They attacked both Argentina and Brazil in the countries' natively-South African regions. With an hour to go, the battles are too close to call. Click here and here for the final results.

-A Finnish resistance war against Russia, a French resistance war against the US in Pays De Loire, and an "Indian" resistance war started by an Indonesian against the US have all cropped up.

Article Round Up:
Department of Citizen Orders - DoD Orders
The Pony Express - Express Deliveries

POTUS Endorsements; POTUS Elections Today

-The Federalist Party endorsed the Bradley Reala / Angelini ticket while Former President Josh Frost endorsed the Woxan / Newton ticket. Elections today (Day 867).

-St"." Krems weighed the various diplomatic options facing Phoenix with regards to the US-EDEN affair. An interesting article.

-Presidential Candidates Woxan and Bradley Reala both released articles today. Click their names to read.

Congressional Tournament continues

-Dr. Tango challenges the US Political Parties to get their members to move to Karnataka. The reward is 30 Q1 Guns. An awesome idea, Dr. Tango. Go go go!

-Emmanuel Cruise released the results of round two of his Congressional Tournament. Apparently, I got The Rapist Award for "raping" Pearcey333. Sorry, Pearcey. 😕 I guess no means no.

-NeilP99 continues his eAmazing Race coverage. Good stuff.

Your Moment of Zen:

If you feel that an article you wrote should be included in my semi-daily summary, feel free to PM me a link. Please note that I will try to keep my summaries as few and as brief as possible.

~Mr. –

The Brolliance Newspaper Network
Canadian Writers!
jbdivinus // Acacia Mason // Tyler F Durden // Craig Norman // Banach //Adasko
Irish Writers!
patton // Donovan Thomas // Irish Princess // Edana Savage// Niall H // 5n4keyes
Australian Writers!
Dartreal // patti11
US Writers!
Myles Robinson // system0101 // sydiot // Mr. Hyphenated // Sleeve

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