The Secrecy Bill

Day 1,510, 02:39 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ex Banned'it

Soooo, we all have seen the latest trend from articles, one could say it's all Leewas' fault, he has this habit of starting things and he is fun to blame so I'lll just pin this one on him 😛

If you still lost and I can imagine you have the vacant expression of stupidity on your face, I'll help alleviate the tension it causing and it might help with the sudden headache you just got from blood rushing to your head, a new sensation I know....

Merley Corey , Me, Oprah, Seisan all published articles one would classify as, well let's just say it's a light read to say the least....
We all know the media module has room for improvement, some could say the entire eWorld could fit in the "space" but alas we all also know that the plea of many is the plea of none and therefore we should suck it and take it like a man.yes its sexist but hey you can always write an article about it and if admin asks I'll add woman too....

So there has been a solution to one problem and I know out of the thousands of eCitz thousands of brilliant solutions could be found on just the media module alone, but I am not here to rant on what else we can improve on as this would make me like those people you often see on the side of the street screaming about green monkeys coming to probe you in the backside before taking over the world while smelling like something you wish you won't find any relation to.....

So what the article is about is merely to stimulate some of your intellect by proving something with a little more stimulus then what has been offered and ask you to support Ms. Leewas in his idea to save what is left of our media....

The Secrecy bill as it has become to be known should be stopped and our media should become free for all even to those in other countries as they are true eSouth-Africans and their voices should be heard too!

Isn't it time that the freedom of your expression has the freedom of reaching everyone without lotteries and subscription prizes?

Thats it for now and if it was too long please feel free to write an article to admin and if they ask I'll shorten it....

Update:Steven Bosch's opinion

P.S Luc how long will you leave eSA without something stimulating to read? How long will you let this injustice to continue?