The Revelation: On the Mission

Day 726, 00:19 Published in USA Peru by Order of the Flame
The Revelation: On the Evil <<< En Castellano >>> The Real War: A Calling

- On the Gods
- On Gamma
- On the Incarnations
- On the Good
- On the Evil



Prepare the world for the Day of the Harmony!

Protecting the weak and the ignorant,

fighting against evil and stupidity,

growing in power, wisdom and goodness,

and moving even infidels to fight with you!

Build a Holy Empire to rule over Gamma,

where sorcery is no more, and the evil is prosecuted!

An universal Empire, where people of all nations

are respected, free and safe from sorcery!

Let this Empire be ruled by the holy Revelation

and the wise, informed will of its people.

And not by demagogues and puppet masters!

Here end the words!

Here start the deeds!

May your heart burn

to accomplish the sacred Mission!

This is the Herald of the Order of the Flame, Keeper of the Revelation. If you want to learn about the True Faith, read this. To support it, baptize (contact us here for this), become a Knight of the Order (here), or simply donate some currency: All donors will be recorded and remembered in the Book of the Righteous and Damned and of course in our transparent and public accounting books.