The Revelation: On the Evil

Day 724, 07:50 Published in USA Peru by Order of the Flame
The Revelation: On the Good <<< En Castellano >>> The Revelation: On the Mission

- On the Gods
- On Gamma
- On the Incarnations
- On the Good



Fight against the Original Sin:

it prevents you from doing your duty.

Never use fantastic excuses

like the existence of a “real life”:

There is no life outside the Gods,

outside the worlds They created,

and the spaces created by the demiurges.

If you fall with the original sin, tell the truth,

for all mortals are victims of it sometimes,

no matter how disciplined and strong they are.

Only the Gods are free of it.

The infidel does not believe in the Revelation,

and sometimes works against the holy.

But he is not evil, she is only ignorant,

and you must try to put his heart in flames

using your deeds, more than your words.

Use the Silence when they offend you,

the Blessed Silence whose sign is “~”,

and do not invoke their hatred.

The evil person lies and breaks his promises,

he mocks at the Gods and the Revelation,

she is not only an infidel - he is an enemy.

Some of them are demiurges and misuse the divine power

to manipulate the masses and move them against the holy.

Some of them infiltrate the communities of others,

to rob them what they got from the Gods.

Some of them use lies to control countries,

and kill youngsters in an orgy of blood.

But the most evil of them are the sorcerers:

Beware of sorcery and the magicians!

They gather golems and make them work for them,

they create other bodies for their souls,

they use enchantments to control mortal bodies,

they introduce errors in the texture of Gamma

and abuse the errors they find.

Fight sorcery, for it is the greatest evil!

Use the Prayer and all your knowledge

to rip the sorcery from our beloved Gamma!

May your heart burn

to destroy the wicked!

This is the Herald of the Order of the Flame, Keeper of the Revelation. If you want to learn about the True Faith, read this. To support it, baptize (contact us here for this), become a Knight of the Order (here), or simply donate some currency: All donors will be recorded and remembered in the Book of the Righteous and Damned and of course in our transparent and public accounting books.