The Only Sensible Alternative

Day 1,116, 09:37 Published in USA USA by Socialist Freedom Org

Day 1116 of New World / Day 5 of Frostydom

Pressure Pills From the Popular Press

True history of the revolution: Animal Farm: The Revolution Begins, from Solidarity Forever by Comrade Laika

A sensible voice: Please Take Time to Read This Article, from Tales of Human Interest by courage cowardly dog

Enough is enough: Screw the Viva la Revolución, from WWW Newspaper by Josh Whitehead

Milk-snorting from your nose good humor: Lefty from Mulberry St Weighs in on the Revolution Pt2, from Straight Outta Left Field by Lefty from Mulberry St (be sure to watch the video)

On quirkiness: Philosophy:Ethics:Virtue, from Spectacular Times by Phoenix Quinn

Srs business: Free Tibet, from Church Times by Bishop Samuel Seabury

SFP Emerges As the Only Sensible Alternative

Having had a crash course in...

* Feline-porcine goulash communism, also known as "Meowism For Beginners"
* Puggish-zombified "left in form, right in essence" trotscroyist splittism, aka "the rebel onion"
* Trade-union-bureaucratic sloganeering (hello "maple leaf faction" USWPers!)
* Never-ending Dioist pie-throwing an astounding turnabout in public opinion, Americans have fondly turned their freedom-loving eyes upon the one, true shining light on the US political scene: the Socialist Freedom Party! (OK, the Technos and NoS Dive Bar are p cool too, but there can be only one, right?)

Re-founded in the Days of Scrabman by the dashingly handsome Osmany Ramon...

...the SFP has never since wavered (although it may have stumbled from time to time) in its commitment to high-quality, fun-soaked socialism with a large dollop of freedom added. Not only 'cause it tastes better that way, but because you can't have worker solidarity without freedom of thought. Freedom is like the yeast in your socialist bread. Without it, you just have matzoh, which is fine for the holidays, but it won't get you through the year.

Despite the passing of Great Teacher-Leader Ramon, which threw the Party for a loop temporarily, the future for the US e-proletariat and their friends is once again bright! As so eloquently expressed in that song by The Exploited, it is a law of e-history that the exploited will always find a way to rise up against exploitation. Whatever twists and turns are encountered on the true revolutionary road, new leaders will always step forward to carry on the struggle.

And such a leader has emerged and is at large.

Jail cell near Cincinnati where cival unrest was kept cooped up for many years.

The SFP is a Really, Really Big Tent true-leftist party. There are plenty of fun factions and diverse points of view at work, all feeding off of each other's ideas, like:
* The Strong Silent Warrior-Sentinel-of-Socialism perspective of folks like lohoz, R00ffles Mesyats and Benton Mayweather.
* The Anti-Spectacularist Windbagism of Phoenix Quinn and the Groucho-Marxist faction
* The hard-core in-your-face-mofo Ramonism-Chuikovism-with-a-dash-of-hilarity point of view of Vincent Nolan
* The equally hard-core Christian Socialism of Bishop Seabury
* and more.

Scene from a typical SFP meeting:

...But most encouraging, there's the lets-frikkin-get-organized movement known as "Operation Infrastructure" recently launched by cival unrest.

As always, certain ghosts and zombies haunt the halls of the SFP, looking to turn the Party into another look-alike clone of the Top Five.

But they will not prevail.

Vote cival unrest for SFP PP on December 15th! Support "Operation Infrastructure"! Join the SFP today!

Help the light shine: Join the SFP.

Recommendations From the Notebooks of Commander Ramon

For good communism!

Random Interview with an SFP Member

Commander Ramon rocks in my heart. I'm voting for cival unrest for SFP PP and you should too!