The Malcontents - introducing your new MU

Day 1,718, 15:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes


So. Let's get the hypocrisy and the irony out of the way shall we? Having just finished these articles here and here, it does seem rather odd that after all that spiel I end of commanding a shiny new MU just to split things up even further.

Well, you're right. It is odd. It is hypocritical. It is ironic.

So I'll make a promise. If ever this country gets its military act together to the point that we form a unified military structure, I will gladly dissolve this unit or pass over leadership to another. I will join the unified military structure and I will fight wholly and absolutely for this country.

In print.

Having said that, I don't expect I will be doing this at any time shortly....

So let's go back to the topic in question shall we? I have formed a new MU having put it under review for the last 6 weeks. I had a number of options, join an existing MU, go back to my roots with Libertad in Cyprus, or just do this.

So I've done it. Now what's the plan?

Well, here's what we are:

We're exclusively a Division III/Division IV military unit
We have a minimum member threshold of Field Marshall
Our primary responsibility is to fight for Ireland and her allies
Our secondary responsibility is to assist small countries being bullied and help them gain congress
We believe that we've played the game long enough to think we can chill out and relax for a change
We consider that this game can be enjoyable and not a chore with a few good mates, a bit of slagging, and the odd drunken IRC session.

What we're not:

We don't have time for the interminable bullshit politics of alliances, but we know they're important to keep this country from being wiped.
We think that eRepublik is not the worst game in the world but it brings out the worst nationalistic tendencies of people. This unit will not tolerate jingoism or racism.
We despise PTO'ers and will name and shame if necessary
We aren't here as some small exercise of our egos having an MU so we can set our own DO, we are here to stay and intend to grow in a casual and controlled manner.

We invite you, the malcontents of eRepublik to join us in this unit. You won't have to join a commune because we expect you to be able to fend for yourselves. We don't ask you to put on some avatar nor conform to any regulations. We don't ask you to be active, to register a set number of kills, to be elite, to be anything. All we ask you is to join up with no preconceptions and no expectations.

We hope you will be pleasantly surprised.

Thanks for reading.

Commander Malbekh
The Malcontents MU Ireland