eIreland: Our Military Units Do Not Work and Need to be Merged

Day 1,716, 11:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes

Hello again.

The third and last article based on my research is here. Having decidedly proven that Ireland is in fact made up of a happy melting pot of nationalities, the largest being Irish here: End of PTO rubbish , and then given a comprehensive review of Irish MU's by division and activity here hmm...pizza, this last article is a flavour text piece by up yours truly designed to make the readers think.

It's also designed to prompt all our many CP candidates to make their opinions on MU mergers known, and if they agree with this, how they actually intend doing it.

Each and every CP candidate has made it known that they intend declaring an NE during their term of office and presumably back it up with an actual military campaign that involves conquering stuff. This is vitally important as citizens are bored, citizens are fighting amongst themselves, and worst of all, citizens are leaving.

eIreland is a pretty small nation that doesn't particularly fight very well. The only reason we are not wiped at the moment is down to our good relations with certain superpowers, an alliance with EDEN, and an astute peace treaty with eUK thanks to Chewie.

In the forthcoming campaigns we are going to sell ourselves drastically short in battles unless we can organise ourselves. This is particularly so because of the rule changes in the war module with divisional battles and rockets. We need a unified command with a clear linear role for all soldiers and divisions.

As you can see from the above pizzas, Boot Camp should remain looking after all Division I recruits. The ICA and LA already send all Division I recruits there and all other units should do the same.

Labour's Army can remain in name, but it should now become exclusively a Division II unit.

Irish Army should stay as is and become a Division III unit.

Finally the ICA should become our elite Division IV unit.

No if's
No and's
No but's

This is a very simple alignment. I have not included Libertad because I am assuming they wish to remain independent. Besides which, the unit would have to disband and disperse to the other units above.

This is simply a case of genuine patriotism. You will forego your unit, perhaps go to a unit that you might despise, and fight under a commander you might have no respect for. Well tough titties, that's war soldier.

We need the CP's to make a commitment to this, or come up with their own suggestion, or say they will retain the status quo. We need the commanders and ex-commanders do the same.

Have a nice day now.