The Final Round - Help Decide the Best Newspaper in the eUS

Day 979, 09:15 Published in USA USA by Charmader95

The Best Newspaper in the eUS Contest

Sponsored by The Lightning Rod


Check Out the Tournament Brackets, Results, and Links to all Participating Newspapers on THIS SPEADSHEET

The Final Round Voting Form is here. Please read the article before voting. Voting will end at 23:59 eRep time on Day 981.

The final round has finally arrived. Out of 27 participating newspapers, only two have made it through 4 rounds to participate in the final round and compete for the title of Best Newspaper in the eUS, along with a very nice 15 GOLD prize. These two newspapers are:

St Krems’s Note Book (with 12 votes over The Federalist Papers 8.)

Ligtreb’s The Paperless Newspaper (with 15 Votes over Hephaestus’ Anvil’s 4.)

As I have mentioned, the winner will receive 15 GOLD. Second Place will receive 5 GOLD. Third place will receive 1 Gold, and to decide which of the non-advancing semifinals deserves third place, those who vote on the form for the winner will also be able to vote for who they believe should be third place. The contestants for third place are Hephaestus’ Anvil and The Federalist Papers.

The voting for the Final Round starts now and ends at 23:59 eRep time on Day 981. The form is [url= url=]here[/url]. Good Luck!

Also, as we are near the end of the tournament, I would like to again thank The Lightning Rod and its author, Zeutheir, for their extreme generosity as a sponsor. They are the reason we are able to offer such high prizes.

Thanks for reading. If you see any errors, please leave a comment or message me. Please Vote and Subscribe!