Day 538, 10:20 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

The second part in my article series dedicated to helping new players understand the game better so that they'll stay in the game rather than quit in frustration. In the first part of this series, I went over a few general terms such as PEACE, ATLANTIS, PTO, and their meaning in eRepublik as well as some other questions newbies asked on the forums. Today I'll be discussing the overall structure of the eUSA and the eWorld and hope to explain to newbies the general workings of the game.

How do I get a job?
Go to the "market" tab on the main menu at the top of your screen and a scroll-down menu should appear. Click on "job market" (formerly human resources) and you should then be presented with a blank screen with several symbols at the top. Don't click on the flag for now. Where you see "all" click and select whatever skill level of job you want (your skill levels will be to the right of those menues, next to your character avatar). It doesn't matter which industry you get a job in at first, they all pay equally bad at the beginning - but when you start to level up is when you should consider moving your employment around, and by then you should understand more about the game simply by playing it.

Why did I apply for a job and I'm not getting paid the amount that it said I would?
Just like in the real life, the US government loves to tax you. In the eUSA, we have the highest income tax rates in the world (20😵, so don't expect to be hauling in loads of money anytime soon, most likely the government will take it all.

What's the point of owning an organization?
Well, there's a lot of advantages to owning an organization. Most experienced players use them to own mulitple companies to make mucho money. If you have an organization to own the companies for you, you can then work for the companies you own (neat, huh?). Also, you can set up an organization in a country other than the eUSA to buy items cheaper than they would be here in the eUSA. By donating your paycheck to your organization and having them buy foreign food for you and then donating that food to yourself, you can easily get items cheaper than they would be here in the US.

Someone recruited me to join the National Guard, should I join?
The National Guard is one of the most important branches of our military because it serves to train and educate new players much like this FAQ. However, the National Guard differs in that it has a formal education program and also a "gifting program" for you to gain wellness. Contact your National Guard commander today to learn more!

What's a gifting program?
When you go to the marketplace, you'll see all assortments of items for consumer purchase. One of these items is gift. You cannot use gifts to improve your wellness. However, you can gift someone else and improve their wellness. Why would you do this when you can just buy food? The answer is simple.
You can only eat once per day, but you can give gifts mulitple times per day for increased wellness. If you can find a buddy (through your friends or through a government program) you can get your wellness up to really high levels and work and fight more efficiently!

What are the Marines and can I join?
Most likely if you require the aid of this FAQ, you cannot join. Hell, even I can't join the marines and I've been playing for three months! The Marine Corps is made up of players who have a strength of 8 or greater and who also have a rank of Lieutenant or greater. They are deployed overseas to help our allies in wars and are the cream of the crop of our military.

What's a "tank"?
A tank is basically the love child of a marine on steroids and crystal meth. They have an extremely high strength and a more often than not generals or field marshals. The reason they're called "tanks" is because they can do several hundred points of damage in a single fight if they have good weapons.

How do you know all of this?
Well, experience and paying attention to the newspapers (the good ones) in the game, but also by looking at off-site material.

Are there any good tools for me to use to learn more about the game?
Of course there are!
eGobba - a map of the world updating in real time showing different statistics - a bunch of tools and calculators made to make your life easier
And the eRep Forums and eRep Wiki that offer great tips and knowledge for new players and experienced players alike.

How do I heal?
First of all, I have to mention in this FAQ that certain regions and have hospitals and certain regions do not. Furthermore, only New Jersey and Florida and Q5 (Quality 5) hospitals that are the best to use.

You can only use a hospital after you've fought at least once during a battle. As soon as you decide to stop fighting, click "go back to battlefield" on the battle menu and in between the damage reports for the opposing sides should be the word "Hospital". Click on that word and click the "heal" button and you should gain wellness from the hospital.

DO NOT FIGHT AFTER USING A HOSPITAL! You can only heal once per day, so don't exhaust yourself too early or you won't be able to fight if the battle rages on for another day.

I hope the second installation of my eUSA FAQ series has helped and if you have any other questions, comments, or inquiries, feel free to comment on this article or message me in-game.