The eUSA FAQ's (Part I)

Day 537, 18:27 Published in USA USA by Dmalicious

Here's an FAQ on all the in-game information I seem to find new players asking the most questions about, so I'll answer them to the best of my ability. All information comes from the eRepublik Wiki and eGobba. I'll be posting 10 FAQs every article in this series, so new players, be sure to tune in and subscribe to get the most out of the game!

To be blunt, they are the essential equal of NATO in this game. ATLANTIS is an alliance comprised of the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Spain, Poland, Romania, Israel, Greece, Finland, Sweden, Croatia, Bosnia, and Norway*.

*Not so much anymore

What is PEACE?
They are the equivalent to the Warsaw Pact, they are the bad guys (to us) and are constantly trying to take over the world in one way or another. Basically, ATLANTIS is G.I. Joe and PEACE is Cobra. Got it? Good.
PEACE is comprised of Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Brazil, Portugal, France, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey, Russia, Iran, Indonesia, and Japan.

Who runs these alliances?
Indonesia & Hungary are vying for position as PEACE's most powerful member, although Indonesia still holds the position by a lot. ATLANTIS is led by Romania.

Why isn't ATLANTIS led by the USA?
Good question. We'd like to, but the thing is we can't. You see, compared to their American counterparts, everyone else in the eWorld is a lot more dedicated to the game. If you look at our citizen maps, a large portion of our population is dead (quit the game), so we can't be as effective as we want to.

Why are congressman called senators on the forums?
They wanted a gender neutral term for congress(wo)men on the forums, so instead of creating two forum masks, they simply decided to name them senators.

What is a PTO?
PTO stands for "political take-over". That happens when members of one country travel to another country during election seasons to run for office and vote for themselves so they can ally that country with their home country or simply steal the gold in the target country's treasury.

Can the USA be the target of a PTO?
Fortunately, our large size discourages and prevents PTO's from occurring on a large scale in the USA. However, we occasionally get infiltrators from other countries that try to get a seat in congress.

Is there a point to this game?
In the strict sense of a game, no. This game is unwinnable, just like most multiplayer online games. However, everyone does have their own reason for playing this game, whether to see their country become a superpower, own their own business or simply as a time-passer, find your own thing and stick with it.

What's a "two-clicker"?
You are, my newbie friend! A "two-clicker" is a person who is not active in the administration of the country but still plays the game. They work, train, fight, and buy things just like everyone in the government and the military, the only difference is that they don't post on the forums.

How do I get active, then?
Glad you asked! The eUSA forums (where the government is located) are located here:
eUSA Forums