The Daily Slice Interview Series "PrinceFigs"

Day 1,302, 22:33 Published in USA USA by Zachary Parsons

The Daily Slice is a request driven paper that is sponsored by the American Military Party, The United States Training Corps, and is sponsoring the Erepublik radio show; the World Wide Whitehead. I hope you all have fun reading this I sure have fun doing it.

Tonight the Daily Slice will be interviewing PrinceFigs, which in my opinion is one of the few great people left in this game. Enjoy everyone.
(Zach sits down and shows Prince Figs the yuengling as he pours himself some Jim Bean.)

Zachary Parsons: Well it’s awesome of you to take time out of your busy schedule to talk to me, let’s get on with the show shall we. For those who do not know you, give us a brief bio of yourself?

Prince Figs: ok well where to begin, PrinceFigs is my tag obviously. (PF Laughs with a great roar) John is my real name in Real Life; I am a 27 year old Constitutional Lawyer with 3 kids. In the game however, I been around since 2009 from a referral link here from a game called Ogame. I have held many positions in the game; I was once a Company Executive officer in the Training Corps, a 3 x congressman, Director of Communications in USWP, restarted the Zombie Horde, I was the director of the US mentors program, etc. You know a bunch of other stuff that is some of the better known stuff I have been a part of.

Zachary Parsons: Well well, looks like you are an old timer after all eh?

Prince Figs: Oh you know, I have been around awhile, quit for a few months in total but, for the most part, been pretty steady at playing; I suck at quitting by the way.

Zachary Parsons:Yes I remember the "Infamous" disappearance of your profile, however a lot of people Rage quit, what do you have to say to those responsible?

Prince Figs: there have been a few of those... (PF Laughs again)...which specific one are you talking about?

Zachary Parsons: The more recent, if you do not mind?

Prince Figs: Well, one must look at the true responsible party of why I and others decided to quit that being the admin I would say this about them; they are the WORST group of administrators I have ever played with, they make ridiculous changes that destroy the things that long term players enjoy, the very things that make them long term players, they are taking away, and that in my opinion is pretty stupid to me. Clearly people agree with me on that issue (PF chuckles and opens a new beer.)

Zachary Parsons: I hear ya on that one my friend, and also from what I hear these "Admins" will not even listen to a whisper from their own mother if they were in the next room. By the way I read your new article on the USWP, why target them?

Prince Figs: The thing is, they don’t. I have sent them, as have others, several messages voicing our concerns, and in return we get generic messages back that don’t even address the point. Yeah, now as to the article
Zachary Parsons: I agree, the issue of Pfeiffer is a very big discussion around the republic boards and papers these days.

Prince Figs: So in turn, I made that article to bring some issues to light and try to get change started. In my view, Pfeiffer is one of the biggest threats that the eUSA has…
Zachary Parsons: His use of multiple accounts is a concern of many people that know of them.
Prince Figs: certainly the biggest threat in USWP indeed, here is my main point. Think about this, most parties have a primary system where people run against each other to get the official party endorsement, Pfeiffer on the other hand has 50 multis I showed evidence of where he admitted it. So if he has 50 multis and is using them to get himself the endorsement he has in effect taken over the endorsement system, hijacked it is a better word for it…not only that, but people lose interests because they can’t get an endorsement for anything so, we lose a ton of people. USWP has lost SEVERAL top party members in the last 2 months lost by going to another party or just quitting. We need to bring back fairness.
Remember I am sponsoring the WWW Join us for season 3 soon!

Zachary Parsons: Yes I agree with you on that, I moved to USWP because of what was going on in the USWP. I love the party, I have many brothers (Zombie Horde) still in there, I find it really hard to swallow the fact that one person is screwing them out of a good party to be with. Well let us move on shall we?

Zachary Parsons: Now to the game, what do you thing of the changes since you have been back. The new companies, land, currency, etc.?

Prince Figs: I don’t want to sound like a rager, but in all honesty, I hate them…all except, the higher health. See here is the admin’s problem, they screw something up instead of manning up and saying “damn, that was dumb everyone hates it, it doesn’t work so, let’s unscrew it first.” What they do is" well, that was dumb, but, lets save face and pretend that it’s a good change...and throw out another change.” Problem with that is the ORIGINAL PROBLEM IS STILL THERE! I mean really admin…really? Ever heard of an expression “it’s like spraying perfume on a whore”?

Zachary Parsons: Yes in fact, yes I have.

Prince Figs: The thing is she is still dirty masking the problem doesn’t fix it, it just pisses me are expecting a clean whore and bam.
(Haliman walks into the room, picking up a beer from Prince Fig’s stash.)

Haliman: PrinceFigs man just so you know, I loved your last article! (Haliman chugged the beer and laughed with Prince Figs.)

(Zach swigs down his glass of Jim Bean)
Zachary Parsons: Anyway what do you think of Glove coming back and taking the election by the balls?

Prince Figs:
I was V-E-R-Y happy that Glove came back and won the election, (PF Laughs) I would not want to live in a Pfeiffer ran country, for more reasons than we could lay out in a day, currently I am talking with some big ass names to try and get them to run to make sure Pfeiffer doesn’t even come close to winning.

Zachary Parsons: Hopefully this article can sway the minds of the public

Prince Figs: I hope so

Zachary Parsons:
Well then how do you think the next presidential election will go?

Prince Figs: Hopefully someone can beat both Pfeiffer and Pizza the hut, I see that happening, as I said I am talking to a lot of people that are waking up to the reality more than that I hope that it is a strong leader that will have the balls and means to get us back on the right foot, we need a united in office Emerick is great in ways he was no uniter in office Glove is more of a uniter.

Zachary Parsons: Well as they all say…GLOVE IS LOVE! What do you think about the arise of the AMP

Prince Figs: I am really happy about that. I am really happy about it because I believe that the top 5 parties in our country need to be strong, active, and pro American we need a healthy system with healthy parties. SEES were a dead party, the UIP is dying so, I am glad to see a strong party step up I had my issues with the military but, I believe that they are a good group of people in general I have never been anti military. I was/am anti JCS system though.

Zachary Parsons: What about the arise of newer writers of the day Phoenix Quinn and the like?

Prince Figs: Really , I don’t get around to reading many articles I do however, support the good ones but, I haven’t had the time to really read any good articles lately I should probably do that.

Zachary Parsons: (Zach Laughs) well what final words do you have to say to our readers?

Prince Figs: I appreciate the interview Zachary. Glad to see that we have some good people left in the country, such as yourself, and to watch out for a PrinceFigs for USWP PP run in July! Maybe POTUS after that. Also Sub this guy’s paper he is one of the best!

Zachary Parsons: We will be sure to look for you and perhaps we can get USWP back up and running.

Prince Figs: I appreciated that. Best of luck to you, TC, the military, AMP, and America.

With that said the three drank till the wee hours of the morning. Haliman eventually started a game of poker that ended with Zach going in debt for $5000.)