The APF Answers SEES

Day 906, 20:07 Published in USA USA by APF Communications

On the day before Party President elections SEES issued this challenge
to the APF. They claim that the APF has done nothing to combat a possible threat of a foreign PTO of the Republican party. They then threaten the APF with a TO by SEES unless we help prevent the PTO of the Republicans.

Everyone should understand that SEES' argument is hopelessly twisted. If they devote resources to trying to TO the APF, they are not devoting all their efforts to saving the Republicans. By threatening the APF with a TO, they make it impossible for us to send resources to the Republicans. But they want to blame us for a lack of concern for the eUS if we protect ourselves from the threat that they alone imposed. We would be able and eager to help the Republicans if we were not under threat ourselves.

In addition, SEES asks us to trust them not to PTO our party even though they are putting themselves in a position to do just that. This tactic is no more nor less than blackmail. And they want us to trust them?! How is trust earned by demanding and blackmailing? The APF will not respond to political party blackmail.

Their argument makes absolutely no sense. Why are they not devoting all their attention to the Republicans? Why are they making it difficult for us to help the Republicans? Could it be that they really want to take over the APF and blame the APF for its own demise. We suggest that this is exactly their plan. The APF will not tolerate such lies and manipulation.

The APF Board