Thank You, etc.

Day 1,000, 02:14 Published in USA USA by George Armstrong Custer

Thank you all very much.

Dateline: Monday August 16 (Day 1000)
Location: Canoga Park, The Valley, L.A.
Reporter: George Armstrong "O.G." Custer

Oh. My. Friggin'. God
I am so glad that's over.
AMP Election Results

Let's get this out of the way right off.
I won, 23-2-0. No last minute sniping happened, I had this one won by 30 minutes into the day. S.E.E.S. Election Director Nicholas Ryan and Der Fuhrer Emerick/gagah himself both said there would be no big S.E.E.S. turnout and that's exactly what happened.
Whether Matthew's candidacy was one-a them inside jokes I just don't get, I don't know.
Maybe S.E.E.S. couldn't spare the manpower because they were pinned down by the Huns all night.

It looks like America is safe.
Or mostly, depending on your point of view. No major Party was taken over by the Huns-- the only one that was even close was S.E.E.S., and I really wonder why they'd choose them as their main target.
Ajay/Pizza won at the Republican Party. He's not a Hun. The total number of votes in that election was less than fifty. His presence should have galvanized the Republicans, it should have been All Hands On Deck to either vote him in or vote him out. Even the total number of votes between Pizza's opposition falls one shy of beating him.

I'm not saying any Party is responsible for any other Party, in fact I say just the opposite.
S.E.E.S.' security came with a 16 point lead. I'd like to think they handled it on their own, but I saw a lot of activity in #ato guiding late voters to go there.
Except at S.E.E.S. and the Republicans, the other major Parties results show substantial wins, leading me to believe that they managed to handle their problems or potential problems internally.
USWP candidate Fionia was comfortably ahead early on and changed her avatar to read "Don't Vote For Me Ask Me Where To Vote."
I posted a second article of the day at 17oo hours directing readers to wait, and to check with someone who has voted to see where their vote was most needed-- I got very few additional votes from 5pm to 10 pm, and only one more after that right at the end.

I won't apologize for campaigning hard.
I believed my opponent to be serious and know the power at his disposal. And I won't be begrudged the 23 votes I garnered. The people who voted for me expressed support for my cause, my actions, words, methods and manner, and I thank them all very much.

I'll repeat the list of links.. kinda handy if you want to see how the Top Six and the AMP finished.

United Socialist Workers Party

Federalist Party

American Defense and Trade Party

Specialize Elite Execution Squad

United Independents Party

Republican Party

American Military Party

George Armstrong "F-Bomb" Custer
USCongressman, Oklahoma (2x)
Party President, American Military Party
US Cavalryman (Recruit Battalion!)
US National Guardsman, retired
Australian Drop Bear, retired
USArmy Major General, retired
(got a resume longer than your friggin' arm!)

The American Military Party
Dedicated to supporting our US Soldiers' interests in Government
by supporting US Soldiers' campaigns to Congress and the Presidency.

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