Thank You Admins

Day 518, 00:15 Published in Romania Canada by Dade Pendwyn
*The following is an article from a member of the Writers' Guild of Canada. Please show your support by subscribing

Ok…get ready for it. I’m about to thank the Admins. No, that’s not a typo - I’m going to thank them. Alright...ready? Hold your breath and close your eyes...

Thank you Admins. Thank you for your hard work. Thanking you for providing us with a creative environment to play this wonderful game. Thank you for caring when people cheat. Thank you for eRepublik.

Does eRepublik have its problems? Absolutely! Are there things the Admins could do to make it better? Yes, and there always will be.

Let’s keep in mind that I am a citizen of Canada - the country who just witnessed a robbery of 35,000 CAD, some gold and some other currencies (works out to about 1200 gold) from our military budget. I’m also the one who spearheaded the Citizenship Petition which now has around 500 authentic and unique signatures. I’ve had one of my articles expressing my opinion about the Shaok TO attempt in Canada deleted (for my rather…colorful language). I'm all about activism and I'm all about telling the Admins what can make the eWorld a better place. Yet, through all this I know one thing - Admins DO care.

At some point we have to stop pointing the finger. Want to know why we don’t have citizenship yet? Maybe it’s because the Admins are too busy saving us from ourselves. If some people can copy gold for free, the game loses its point. If the Admins didn’t have to spend so much time stopping cheaters, we’d have a much better game I’m sure. So let’s scold ourselves first if we’re going to berate the Admins.

Now to address another common complaint about the eRep gods - they’re doing it just for money! Are they running eRepublik for money? Of course! Can we blame them for that? No! They put a lot of work into this game and they deserve to be compensated.

I’ve heard rumors that organizations are being banned for no reason. Whether or not this is true, I don’t know. I really hope that the Admins are doing their best to find valid proof before banning organizations or citizens. What I do know is that they’re not doing it arbitrarily to make it seem like they’re doing something. Gold exploits are bad for them, bad for us, and bad for business - I assure you they are taking the problem seriously.

So, amidst all the anger and protest, let’s stop for a second. Let’s put aside our grievances for one moment, and let’s say thank you. After all, the Admins aren’t our enemies - it’s the hackers and exploiters who are.

Regardless of your thoughts on what the Admins are doing, stop for a moment and post a good-natured comment in this thread. How about we let the Admins know we appreciate them for once. After that we can get back to that which we do best - whining.

For better or for worse, Thank you Admins.