Take-over in Norway succeded

Day 433, 04:27 Published in Romania Romania by sebahmah

It's official, Russians control more than 50% of the congress. Although FRP doesn't have the majority, the goons from iran will msot probably help them with their vengefull plans.

In the end, Russia used the tactics that killed it in the first place to appear again on the map. Of course it's a matter of days untill Norway will be splintered by the partizan congress.

So .. practically Russia decided ,after they blamed and cryed for days, that they will fight fire with fire. One problem, when this will happen again to them, they will have no other excuse. They are as dirty as the dirtiest in this game. And most of all they deserve their destiny.. which is to be a nation of nomads (in eRep of course)

PS: Should i add point out the goon-team from Iran, in the background? It can't be.. they are PEACE..but oance more we see the true face of these hypocrites.

Vote so everyone sees the truth behind all the PEACE propaganda.

EDIT: And a tribute to our genuine hall-of-fame legendary mastermind of all tactical, subversive and undercover actions