Congrats on Good Job. Molodci!

Day 433, 00:44 Published in USA Russia by Smirnoff

Just wanted to congratulate my friends with good job that we have done in the third round of our Freedom Campaign.

I know we really messed up in the second one but we pulled it back.

Accoring to KristofferAG, Norway Congressman from The Golden Party "The big surprise this election was Free Russia Party. With only 68 members, they managed to squeeze in 12 congress members, which is the biggest amount by one party. Congratulations!"

Today Free Russia Party is officially the biggest Congress Representative in Norway.

Please do NOT propose any laws before you discuss them on our forum.

Remember: Each of you have only 2 attempts to pass your law. Do not waste it.

PS: I would encourage Congressmen to begin negotiations about the future of Norway.

You can contact either Creos, Carmagnola, or me.

Vseh pozdravlau s pobedoy na viborah. Pojaluysta ne kakih zakonov poka mi eto ne obsudili na forume. U kajdogo iz vas tolko 2 popitki. i novie congressmeni ne prospat i na4nut peregovori s nami.


Free Russia Founder