T2 Day 30 - The Budget

Day 705, 21:16 Published in USA USA by Astra Kat G

We all know Superman would kill Goku but then Goku would enter our realm as a dead guy with a halo over his head and beat Superman with all the strength Superman gave him by battling him, right? I mean, come on, Superman is super but Goku is a Saiyan!

So there's this amazing Congressman, right? He actually somehow manages to get things done in Congress, which is the Congressional equivalent of kicking much ass. So imagine my surprise to see that he's actually barely winning in Nevada. It's a close race. One vote of difference. Well, that just won't do.

And I don't think anyone reading this should be particularly okay with it, either. sydiot, after all, is the man who finally drafted a budget. Yes, we've got an updated budget now, all thanks to the Budget Committee, particularly Senator sydiot, who worked extra hard to make sure it got passed before Congress ended this term. Where others would've thrown their hands up and given up in exasperation, he valiantly pushed forward, proving the old adage "Budget is the most fun Congress can have!" Seriously, dudes. We don't get to go overseas and resistance war back entire countries, mmm-kay?

You can view the budget here. Apparently, it's not exactly a state secret.

Now I don't want to turn this into a "vote for this guy" article, but, really, sydiot has been on the ball and involved all throughout the term. Drafting a budget that Gaius Julius, Eugene Harlot, One Eye, Woxan, and Publius all contributed to before it was formally proposed is just one of the things sydiot has done for us this term.

If you haven't spent your vote yet and want to see who else is running besides sydiot, check out my Election Day article.

Anyhow, I'll answer any questions you have about the budget to the best of my ability, so go ahead and ask away!

Voting Record - Day 30

Lulz proposals will not be counted! Only legit proposals here.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: Aaron S
Description: Do you agree to transfer 422 BAM from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 38 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters. Just in the process of clearing out some foreign currencies from the Treasury.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: AWebb85
Description: Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 41 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters.

Proposal: Alliance
Proposed by: Gaius Julius
Description: President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with North Korea
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 40 Yes, 0 No
Details: Foreign relations. Liberating foreign countries is a wonderful thing.

Proposal: Issue Money
Proposed by: Tormod
Description: Do you agree with the proposal to issue 200000 USD for 1000 GOLD?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 39 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters. Issuing money to create more funds to put on the Monetary Market for our EDEN allies fighting against eHungary in North America. With sufficient USD on the Monetary Market, we can keep the monetary "peg" at 0.025 gold per USD, which is very important.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: RIddle16
Description: Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 34 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters. Moving it onto the Monetary Market.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: RIddle16
Description: Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 37 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters. Moving it onto the Monetary Market.

Proposal: Alliance
Proposed by: William Duncan
Description: President of Canada proposed a mutual protection pact with USA
Voting Choice: Abstain
Result: 36 Yes, 0 No
Details: Foreign relations. I actually was very busy that day, mostly with organizing Congressional efforts but also with real-life work, so I didn't notice this. But I would've voted Yes.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: seeker1
Description: Do you agree to transfer 2660 HUF from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 35 Yes, 0 No
Details: Money matters. This was a previously scheduled donation, but there was a last minute change of plans that asked for USD to be moved out instead. People need to pay attention to the appropriate parts of Congress before making a proposal; I can't be there all the time to send people personal messages to let them know of every little change in plans. I try, but I have a real life that requires me to work, too. Yes, even on a Saturday like this.

Proposal: Donate
Proposed by: AWebb85
Description: Do you agree to transfer 94000 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office?
Voting Choice: Yes
Result: 45 Yes, 1 No
Details: Money matters. Another currency was previously on the books, but this was done as asked of us for Monetary Market purposes.

More like a phoenix risen from the ashes than an eagle.

Another thing I'd like to briefly discuss is the eUS Training Division. If seeing that has made you cringe, that's part of what I want to address here. They have decided to rebrand themselves as the Training Corps, meant to imply that they are a whole new animal.

They've changed their methods, organized themselves into three internal divisions, and have a new focus: to train our next generation of soldiers. Whereas previously they were focused on mentorship and general gameplay, they are now specializing specifically on the eUS military and the war module itself.

The training division is the 1st, while the other two are there for soldiers who have graduated from the 1st Division. The 2nd Division, run by Col. Cubby, is the combat division, where the best of the best recruits are sent for regular supplies and given priority in their chances at recruitment into another branch of the military. The 3rd Division, run by Col. Abayarde, is the reserve division, where the overflow of recruits awaiting their chance to join the 2nd are.

Applications for the beta test are full, but you can still get on the waiting list by contacting Col. Relin in-game. If this sounds like something appealing to you, why not go send Col. Relin a message to talk about it?

Come on! We all know it's true...

One last thing.

You want to see how lucky you are to have female players in this game like me? Check out this interesting "stats" article on Males vs. Females! If stats were like this in real life, we'd be going extinct as a species.

This article sponsored by eMerican Idol. Think you can sing? Sign ups end Nov. 7! TheCrimsonPatriot is seeking contestants.

War of the sexes, America,
~ Katherine "Astra" Gallagher