Special Branch (Intel) of eFRoSEA

Day 699, 14:15 Published in Malaysia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

In response to the various recent threats (Alfagrem etc) on our nation, few concerned citizens have talked to me, in my capacity as their congressman about their concerns about the long term security of the nation. Yes, we may have strong soldiers and army, led by the ever hardy Capt Ryan Southcombe and company. Yes, we may have strong civil leadership under the firm command of President Badlands17 and his cabinet. Yet, something is amiss.

Something i feel that is time to establish. An intelligence branch, or better known in RL Malaysia as Special Branch or in RL Thailand as Sahmnakkhaogrong-hangshaat (National Intelligent Agency - NIA), is probably something we need to prepare for future threats to our nations. After all the setbacks in failing RWs and failing propaganda, the only remaining strategy by rogue terrorists such as Alfagrem is to infiltrate our nation - and conduct subversive operations that would harm our nation.

We have seen how in eUSA,a few eRussian mafia-funded operatives have set up baby-killers companies (trap companies ). We have seen how PTO through rogue multis (Ajay Bruno n co) still can be a threat in South Africa, and how the infiltrated government is making all sort of weird and destructive decisions. This event has prompted South Africa to set up its own eIntelligence Agency. We have seen how rogue elements stole thousands of Australians hard-earned golds from its national bank.

I hereby call for an intelligent agency for FRoSEA where the most trusted lieutenants of the nation are trusted with tasks to unearth and track all the possible rogue groups. Their operations include tracking gold/money amongst the suspicious organisations/individuals, infiltrating political parties, analysing foreign media (to gain forward news about imminent threats), prepare propaganda news (domestic and foreign), background check on our immigrants and so forth. At any time, the president of the nation might authorise them to conduct special ops and subversive operations against the enemies of our nation. I envision this agency to have a permanent director, assisted by a full-time head of agency and preliminary staff of 3 spies/analysts.

In other nations, such Intelligence Agency is an established facet of the government, operated directly under the major command of its military leaders. It has launched many successful operations - including the C.A.R.E (Coordinated Analysis Resource Elimination) which discovered and eliminated the baby-killer trap companies. Of course, there are many underground intel agencies that we are not aware of.

While this may seem over-stretch for a peaceful neutral nation such as FRoSEA - but it would certainly provide a lot of fun for the few people who might be passionate about being e-spy. If you are currently a bored experienced player, or a newbie who are still learning the ropes of this game, i encourage you to give it a thought. I encourage interested citizens to message me and/or Badlands17/Vikta.

"And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" [supposedly CIA motto]

Thanks to seanlam as associate reporter for Chron. of Democracy Viva..

Carr De Vaux
DAP Congress Candidate for Penisular Malaysia
Deputy Minister for Social Affairs and Education
Editor of Chron. of Democracy Viva.