Spark The Passion: Presidential Platform

Day 1,284, 12:35 Published in Belgium Belgium by Manong Z
I believe in Belgium, do you?



In this document, I am going to present my hoped political, economic, and military stances. It is an outline of what I plan to do.

Thereafter, a few questions will also be addressed.

My major points are:
- A clear foundation
- Political Diversity
- Political Balance
- Healthy Competition
- Progressive Military
- Social Openness
- Economic Flexibility

Take it for what it’s worth. This is my Presidential platform.


The focus of my campaign is not world domination, conquering a neighboring city, or even merging to create a stronger Belgium. It is, however, the pavement, or perhaps the reconstruction, of basic foundations in order for Belgium to vie for the preceding hopes.

What do I mean by this? I mean that Belgium is neither strong nor stable enough for world domination (definitely), conquering a neighboring city, or even merging with Netherlands.

Thanks to the achievements by many notable persons, however, our military has progressed quite far, but not far enough. In politics, a regression of diversity and veracity is seen. In society, a xenophobic nature is much practiced. Nevertheless, many issues were and still are being improved, thanks to the achievements of many notable persons. Likewise, many issues were and still are being ignored.

Though modest, my stance will try its best to address as much issues as it could.

Political Change

I. Addressing the Constitution
There is one major dilemma in our national politics; that is our Constitution. Questions arise such as: ‘How do we interpret the Constitution?’ or ‘What if such and such are not addressed in the Constitution?’ or ‘Does the Constitution really matter?’

In my opinion, the constitution does matter. It is the foundation of our nation that somehow became our unifying factor. Is it outdated? Well, as efforts to change it came about, it definitely was. But is the current constitution sufficient? I think not (see: Debate Area: Concerns about the Constitution).

Thus, I propose this: the dissolution of the Constitution and the creation of the National Pact. The National Pact, unlike the constitution, will be proposed and voted upon by the newly elected Congress every month. It will address 2 points: a. the basic abilities of Congress, the President and its Cabinet, and the Supreme Court, and b. the Pact’s interpretation. An example would look like this:

a. Powers
i. Congress:
- Possess all the abilities provided by eRepublik game mechanics.
- Possess the ability to propose and vote on internal and external acts, bills, laws, etc in its jurisdiction.
ii. President & the Cabinet
- President possesses all the abilities provided by eRepublik game mechanics, the ability to create its own Cabinet to outline the nation’s system of governance and work for the optimum best of Belgium.
iii. Supreme Court:
- Possess the ability to intervene in the interpretation of the National Pact.
- Possess the ability to hold trials.
b. Interpretation
i. Congress possess the ability to outline the branches, procedures, etc in separate laws (as Kylero and others have been doing, or have done), and the preceding month’s pact and laws associated with it may be retained if a new pact and law are to replace them are not proposed.
ii. The National Pact can only be changed once every electoral month through any majority vote of Congress and must have the approval of the Country President.
iii. Approval may be bypassed with 2/3 majority vote of Congress.

- Monthly
- Same train as the constitution (does it really fix anything?)
- Does not address everything
- Monthly means it’s flexible, it can be easily changed. And it doesn’t have to be changed every month. Instead of a constitution, it’s a pact, an agreement of Congress and the Govt.
- Simple and complex. We keep the simplicity on paper, but we brand out to do complex things, more work for our Congress Members, more activity.

Thus, I will have my Minister of Law, by the end of my term to produce a fool-proof formula to become the new foundation of our nation, be it the Constitution, a National Pact, or something else.

II. Political Parties
The next thing I would like to discuss is about the political parties. With efforts by Jofroi, we are starting to create individual identities from each party (see: ATO). However, it is not enough. Our political world is left with a stigma that the nation is in constant threat of political take-over leading to our rather xenophobic nature and a loss of diversity. Each Belgian party lives in the pretense of peace; although there should be conflict, discussion, clashes, and all that heat. With political diversity, there will be more political excitement, and it will interest our 2-clicking majority to come out of their shells and join the banter.

My solution, simple but difficult: to encourage each party to create their own identities and fight for their own party ideals. If elected President, I will move forward a plan to encourage this.

III. Gold from Congress Membership
Tradition is a good thing but not necessarily good. To encourage our Congress Members to work harder and better, I will push forward the motion to only collect half of the Congress Gold from Congress Members. Half will be kept by the Congress Members as a remuneration of their service. It is important to have gold in our national bank for macroeconomic ventures, but it is much more important to have heart in the shells of our Congress.

IV. Immigration
With my Minister of National Security, I will create a semipermeable system that will both ensure national security and healthy immigration. The system would include a better classification procedure such as:

 [PENDING] Status Immigrant must work in a Belgian State Company for at least 10 days. After 10 days, his/her Citizenship will be approved.

This way, individuals who are passionate about becoming Belgians will not be shrugged off as [REJECT] Status. Opening ourselves up may bring in promising individuals of great caliber.

V. The Executive
Another focus in my stance is the strengthening of the Executive branch. With a weak leader, a nation will regress. Currently, our Congress holds 90% of our nation’s political power. This has led to an obsolete Executive branch. The President functions at Congress’ whim.

As Country President, I will carefully distinguish the abilities of my administration while cooperating with Congress for a progressive Belgium.

This includes:

- Creating a set budget for the entire administration in order for the Ministers to be able to utilize resources easier and faster without the need of asking for Congress’ permission every time when doing something in their jurisdiction. Congress’ approval has been a major hindering factor for progress. A set budget will be carefully formulated and executed at the utmost frugal and beneficial effects.

- The ability of a branch, be it executive, judicial, or something else, to veto Congress in non-module laws to maintain the checks and balances in our political arena.

VI. Foreign Affairs
- Neutrality will be maintained, but strong relations with other nations will be fostered.

Social Change

I. Xenophobia, Gone
We must learn to embrace foreigners. Thus, in my administration, I will open the doors to trusted foreign individuals who might be able to help Belgium.

I will also formulate a plan for foreign Military Units to enter the nation either as a military or political force, but in return to place a pivotal investment in Belgium to protect national security as well as foster the economy.

The Military

I. Anatomization of the Military
I will separate the BAF from the MoD. The BAF and its Generals will have sole control over the administration and function of the BAF.

The MoD will have the sole power to create guidelines, produce orders, and give appropriate funding to the BAF and/or other Military Units.

II. The Citizen Army
Not everyone wants to be in the BAF, but that doesn’t mean everyone shouldn’t receive rations. The MoD and I will formulate a plan for other citizens to become involved in the military without being in the BAF.

The Cabinet
I. Expect the Cabinet structure to be changed as well. Frequent reports will be produced, and a healthy system will be implemented.

II. The New Cabinet Members will be released as scheduled.

Merge With Netherlands

I. Merging with anyone means losing our undivided autonomy despite being under our flag, most especially if not under our flag.

II. Thus, if plans for merge come to fruition, I will prepare Belgium for the merge in order to maintain Belgium’s autonomy.

III. Throughout my administration, I will work to prepare Belgium for a possible merge but maintain a stance of independence until the nation is deemed ready.

Economy & Misc

And lastly, the economy. As President, the MoF and I will try our best to record and observe the ever-changing economic module and push forward actions that is beneficial to the nation.

Education and Fun will also be improved to increase player retention.

*Are you going to be active the entire month?
YES, and I will dedicate the best effort I could if elected as President.

Do you have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact me!

Your Presidential Hopeful,
Touchdown_Thomas / Manong

Campaign Schedule:

> Courting Belgium (5 months ago)
> Regain the Passion (May 14)
> Spark the Passion: Present the Platform (May 2😎
> Team Passion: Present the Cabinet (June 1)
> Conclusion: Final Words (June 4)

Belgian National Forum

Press Group eRepublik