Save the koalas!

Day 755, 09:16 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

For the 3 of you that don't know, thanks to some South Africa "pulling an eUK" the nation of Brazil is likely to attack Australia.

In preparation of the attack, some Aussies have expressed concern that Brazil is attempting to control their media. Help Australians control their media and become prepared for the oncoming struggle by voting up the following articles:

Aus Department of Defence (I suggest you subscribe to this one and vote for every update for the near term)

From the Prime Minister. Its war. Lets stand together.

[AAR - Official Orders] AAR move to WA

The coming war with Brazil! Official links here!

eAustralians - It's Time to Serve Your Country!

So What can you do?

Remember Americans, follow DoD orders. If they say "hold fire" there is probably a good reason.

Lastly, I'm still looking for volunteers to help with multiple citizens affairs programs. Check out my last article for details.


As always, I suggest all players who do not know how to effectively fight and use a hospital check out This guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.