This is good news...

Day 752, 17:38 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles
"This is good news which we are sure everybody is enthusiastic about"

Did anyone else find that line hilarious, because I did. The article that requested gifts be turned into "Christmas Gifts" got more votes than the article announcing this change.

Anyways, I personally remain very doubtful it will last past this week long test and am only sad I wasn't picked as part of the sample group able to pay 5g for more strength building for the week while it lasted.

Welcoming Committee Stuff:

I'm looking to create a team of people to patrol the in game forums as well as the in game chat rooms to help newbies.

Far too often I have been shown cases of players being misdirected or trolled/flamed in the in game chat/forums, and this does nothing but drive players away at the time when its hardest to find a reason to stay.

And why does this need to be organized? Well, consider this is a solid resume builder for future applications involving greater service with the USA Welcoming Committee 😃

So if you are willing to spend some time in the in game chat as well as the in game forums to help lead our newbies to the Welcoming Committee (if they need monetary assistance), or simply answer questions, give guidance, or distribute helpful guides...sign up now!

(on a side note, feel free to leave suggestions for names for this group)

Guns for Huns Distributor Signups:

I am sure many of you are already aware of this program, or may have even taken advantage of it. Thus far, its been fairly random and difficult to coordinate. I am working through the process of organizing volunteers to be on call for distributions.

The job (at the moment) consists of distributing weapons and minor accounting (such as counting how many people/guns were distributed, and at what cost). The job may expand into sending PMs as well, depending on how some other programs fall into place.

While the job can have its downsides, the upside is a stronger eUSA and the gratitude of a nation.

Sign up now

The 5K Shouts Program

Many of you have already heard about Jewitts 10k fists program. Building up to 10k active players is quite a task, consisting of two main parts. While the Welcoming Committee works on the retention aspect, by making the first week of new players as easy as possible, recruitment is the other half.

To work on that process, the Department of Citizens Affairs would like to announce the birth of the 5k shouts program. This is the pride and joy of citizens Samuel Brouillette and Maxx Johnson who have devotedly worked towards making this list as publicly viewed and easy to use as possible.

Why 5k shouts? Because we need the 5k active players currently in the eUSA to make our voices heard and call our fellow americans into the new world!

The best way to do that? Its actually quite simply. You can check out this list of web sites to vote up erepublik, increasing its visibility. Many of the "votes" are remarkably simple, consisting of nothing more than clicking "YES" from the links provided. The best part? You can do it once per day 😃

Department of Citizens Affairs

While you're over there on the Department of Citizens Affairs subboards getting your votes in, you will probably come to the same conclusion I did upon first seeing them.

They are depressingly empty.

While guys like Samuel, Maxx, and Myself can spend all day brainstorming ideas to increase player retention and recruitment there will always be a better idea out there in the population waiting to be found.

Wait no longer great idea holders! Check out this form where you can submit your ideas, and help build the eUSA!


The complete and total outrage from the entire player base today was remarkable. I even saw threads/articles suggesting a ceasefire so that eden/phoenix could save their venom for the admin. Quite an impressive coming together, even if the situation is less than Ideal.

Feel free to sign up for both of those programs (Guns for Huns distributor and Forum/Chat crew), signing up for one does not disqualify you from participation in the other.

Don't forget to vote every day to spark our baby boom!

And feel free to share some suggestions that can help the 10k Fists program succeed!

USA Welcoming Co-Director and Secretary of Citizens Affairs

Yeah, titles are lame but I felt I should add it since this is work related

As always, I suggest all players who do not know how to effectively fight and use a hospital check out This guide to hospital use, fighting, and wellness.

It is also imperative that all players read and follow orders as described in the the Department of Defense Newspaper as often as possible.